Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5
You're at Walmart and you see an angry customer using racial slurs against the baffled cashier. You are afraid to get involved but you decide you have to stand up for the cashier.
In your line of work, you have to submit quarterly reports accurately and in a timely fashion. Only if your reports are perfectly detailed, formatted and submitted on time will you make a paycheck.
It’s a brand new year and one of your resolutions is to get back into shape! After about 3 days of your new workout, your body is so sore you are not even sure you can swing your legs out of bed. Despite all this, you get up and do 10 squats and 50 crunches.
You start a new diet and it is really strict. After 10 days of dieting, you have a cheat day and eat something you have been craving. Instead of kicking yourself for having a cheat day, you know you’re doing the best you can.
You lose your job, your car payment is due and you're behind on your rent. Everyday you get up instead of hiding under your covers, and says today is the day I get the job. After 3 weeks of endless job searches and a few interviews you get the call. You got the job!
You’ve been under a lot of stress at work, your husband is starting a new job, and your son has been sick. Yet you manage to keep it all together and keep going with a positive attitude.
Chevelle is a preschooler who has been having a hard time learning to spell her name. After weeks of practice, she proudly shows her parents her work. All of the "e"'s are spelled backwards. They couldn't be happier.
You are a soon to be first time homeowner looking to buy a house in Corona, CA. Before you sign off an offer, you do painstakingly extensive research on the demographics of the area to make sure it is going to be your dream neighborhood.
A mother witnesses her 9 month old child trying to master the arts of walking. She sees him get up and fall a dozen of times. He seems to get frustrated but he keep trying. After what seems like a week of trying, he finally takes his first step.
You’ve been fighting cancer and getting sick from the medication they have been giving you. Some days you can barely get out of bed. But after 6 months the doctor gives you the news that the medicine seems to be finally working. You don’t know how long it will take for the cancer to go away but you keep fighting to stay positive.
You dropped out of high school, and a few years later you decide you want to enroll in college. You feel like you are way behind the rest of your peers, and you realize that your academic journey will be rougher than theirs, but this does not deter you from signing up for classes each semester and working towards your Bachelor’s degree.
You get into a horrible car accident. You decide you will never drive again. Two years later you get a job as a delivery man/women. The job market is really tight and at the moment taking this job is your only viable option. You decide you need to start driving again or risk remaining unemployed.
You get accepted to college and you're so excited! However the college is across the country in New York. Although leaving your friends and family behind is almost unbearable, you decide to go for it.
You are assigned a surprise group project right in the midst of midterms. You are tempted to give in to your group-mates desires to skip through the details of the project and just do the “bare minimum” amount of work. Your personal work ethic however requires you to work tirelessly and diligently until you are satisfied that your job is well done.
You sign up for a really difficult course at school and quickly realize you are in way over your head. You really want to keep your 4.0 GPA and are worried this class might break it. After incessant studying and many long nights, your course grade comes back as a “B”. You know you did the absolute best that you could and despite the disappointment feel really good about yourself.

5 Characteristics of Grit

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