lo tignovu, lo tichachashu, lo tishakru lo tishbaoo bismei lashaker, lo ashak et rayecha, lo tigzol lo talin piulat sichir, lo kallal charash, lifnei eever lo titain michshol
What is the meaning of lo tignovu
Don't steal
What is the meaning of lo tishbaoo bishmei lashaker
Don't swear in God's name
What is the meaning of lo kallal lecharash
Don't curse a deaf person
What is the meaning of lo tichachashu
Don't deny falsely
What is the meaning of lo taashek et rayecha
Don't withhold wages from your friend or hired worker
What is the meaning of lo talin piulat sichir
Don't go to sleep without paying a worker hired for the day
What is the meaning of lo tishakru
Don't lie
What is the meaning of lo tigzol
Don't steal
What is the meaning of lifnei eever lo titain michshol
Don't place a stumbling block in front of a blind person
What is the time of day that Rashi says a ganav steals
At night
What is what time of day Rashi says a gazal steals
During the day
What is what rashi says lifnei eever really means
Don't give bad advice, and don't make somebody say loshon hara
What is the reason for the order of lo tignovu, lo tichachashu, and lo tignovu
If you start with stealing, you will end up denying falsely, and then you will end up lying so one lead to another
What is the reason for not swearing in God's name
you will desecrate God's name
What is the reason rashi says that it says only not to curse a deaf person
Because normal people might think that a deaf person is not alive so not only should you not curse a deaf person but you shouldn't curse anyone

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