Lo Tishakru, Lo Tichachshu, Lo Tignovu Lo Tishavu Bishmei Lishaker, Lo Ta'ashok et Rayecha Famous People
What is Lo Tignovu
It literally means don't steal
What is don't swear falsely by my name
This is the literal translation of Lo Tishavu . . .
What is Lo Tishakru
It literally means don't lie in court
What is do not rob
This is the literal translation of Lo Tigzol
What is someone who steals by day
This is a Gazlan
What is do not abuse your friends
This is the literal translation of Lo Ta'ashok . . .
What is someone who steals during the night
This is a Ganav
What is it's mean
This is why you don't abuse your friends
What is one steals by night and one steals by day
This is the difference between a Ganav and a Gazlan

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