Ocean Safari Forest Farm Backyard
What is an octopus?
I am an eight-legged mollusc.
What is a lion?
You can hear my roar 5 miles away!
What is a skunk?
I can spray if I get scared, and you can smell it for over a mile!
What is a cow?
I have a special stomach with four different compartments! You also get milk from me.
What is a caterpillar?
I produce silk that helps me switch trees and make a cocoon.
What is a hermit crab?
I am a crustacean that lives in shells left by other animals to protect my soft belly.
What is an elephant?
My tusks are made of ivory and I am the largest land animal.
What is a bear?
I am an expert tree climber and fisher. I have four legs but can walk on just two!
What is a horse?
I can sleep standing up and can gallop at 30 miles per hour!
What is a butterfly?
I emerge from a cocoon or chrysalis.
What is a whale?
I am the largest mammal in the sea and must come up to the surface to breathe air.
What is a giraffe?
My tongue is almost 2 feet long! (With my tongue and my long neck, I can reach leaves 20 feet off the ground!)
What is an owl?
I can't move my eyes, but I can turn my head almost all the way around!
What is a goat?
I need to live in a herd, I am actually a picky eater, and my babies are called kids.
What is a squirrel?
When I bury more nuts than I need to eat, they grow into trees! I have a big, fluffy tail.
What is an eel?
I look like a snake but am actually a very long fish.
What is a zebra?
My stripes can be confusing for my enemies, which can help me escape with my dazzle (that's the name of a group of my type!)
What is a deer?
I may be a buck, doe, or fawn. If I am a buck, I have antlers that I grow then shed every year.
What is a chicken?
I am the most popular bird and can lay up to 300 eggs a year!
What is a skunk?
I can spray if I get scared, and you can smell it for over a mile!
What is a shark?
I am at the top of the ocean food chain! (I have lots of teeth and can swim really fast!)
What is a hippopotamus?
My eyes, nose, and ears are all on top of my head, so I can keep my big body under water to keep cool in the hot sun!
What is a fox?
I have big triangular ears that help me find the rodents that I eat. Most people don't know what sound I make because I'm usually so quiet, but I make a high-pitched ow-wow-wow sound.
What is a sheep?
I can see behind me without turning my head. You may have some clothes made from my hair.
What is a raccoon?
My human-like hands have nerves that act like taste buds! I'll eat almost anything, including your trash!

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