People Places
Who was King David? (1 Sam 16:13)
This man was the first good king of Israel and writer of many Psalms.
What is Egypt?
The land where the Israelites served as slaves
Who was Aaron?
This man was the first High Priest of Israel, and the brother of Moses.
Who was Elizabeth? (Luke 1)
This woman was the mother of John the Baptizer, and the wife of Zechariah.
What is the Island of Patmos?
Where the Apostle John was exiled in his old age
Who was Manoah? (Judges 13)
This humble man was the father of Samson.
Who were Bezalel and Oholiab? (Ex 31:1-6)
These men were given special knowledge and ability by Jehovah and served as the Chief builder of the tabernacle and his assistant.

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