Writing and Film Budgets & Grants Legal Stuff Distribution
Writers Guild of America (there are actually two, WGA West and WGA East, roughly divided by the Mississippi River).
What is the WGA and what do they do?
Usually people involved in the creative process of filmmaking usually (director, producer, screenwriter, actors)
What is "above the line" in a budget?
ANYTIME A CONTRACT IS INVOLVED!!! And other times, setting up a company, etc.
When do you need a lawyer?
Target audience, how you will reach target audience, social media and outreach plan, film festivals, your method of distribution, theatrical vs. screen, online world, educational and community
What should be in a distribution plan?
To "option" it and get the rights to it legally.
What is the process of turning a real-life story or book into a film?
Forecast budgets made for business plans to compare to your film chosen by theme, budget, and release date.
What are comparative films?
You have signed the rights away forever. Usually you do this when transferring copyright/ownership of film.
If you sign the rights for "in perpetuity", what does this mean?
DCP. What does this stand for?
What format are most films screened on now?
Register with the Writers Guild of America, or even better, file for registration with the Library of Congress (for small fees)
What is the process of copyrighting a story?
To write a grant under and raise money, so people can write off as a donation for tax purposes (helps you fundraise). Some people consider making a company.
What is a 501(c)3? Or a fiscal non-profit? Why would you ever need one?
Limited Liability Company is a common way to start a partnership company. A formal company under the eyes of the law, but not as formal as a COMPANY. vs. "Doing Business As", not formal, not really a company (you are personally not separate from your company finances).
What is an LLC vs a DBA?
Offered all competition films a blanket distribution deal for a 2-year contract ($100,000 for narratives, $75,000 for docs, $25,000 other categories) before they even screened.
What you give a distributo
What did Amazon do at Sundance this year that changed distribution this year?
2 things: 1) Reference document updated for current show to show update any character info on screen. 2) What a TV Series creator creates to pitch a show (concept, characters, episodes, setting, etc.
What is a show "Bible"?
Private non-profit grants, private corporate grant, government grants (federal, state, local).
What different types of grants are there?
Trademark: company or brand name, logo, tagline & catchphrase (just do it)
Copyright: books, articles, web content, paintings, photos, songs, movies, TV, records, dances, choreography (can't copyright titles)
What is the difference between a trademark and copyright?
r. Info like: Type of print, M&E (Music and Effects) tracks, music cue sheets, continuity script, MPAA rating certificate, still photos, copies of all contracts and agreements, press kit for film (bios, synopses, stills, etc.), insurance policies, copyright certificate, copies of all contracts. Also info you give theaters, film fests, etc (but not all, like contracts :)
What are deliverables?
Negotiate wages--Because studio profits have risen, especially TV, but writers' compensation has gone down. And to contribute more for health care and pension plans (current ones about to implode).
Why is the WGA probably going to strike today?
See budget.
Explain these budgets, what the categories and numbers mean, etc.
Price Waterhouse. Even thought their main person was texting, they still get the job. Forgiveness is cool (but multitasking is not).
Who are the accountants for next year's Oscar ceremonies, in charge of tallying and handing out the right Oscars?
No more than 35% (and should be 30% or less really since burden is on you to get film out now (studios charge 55-60%)
What is the top percentage any distributor should have in a distribution deal for indie film (not studio)? (according to our book)

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