Beliefs of Islam Spread of Islam Differences in Practice Key Terms Map
What is equal?
Women are spiritually __________ to men according to Islam.
What is China?
This civilization never lost any of its territory to the Islamic Empire because of the Battle of the Talas River.
What is the Arabian Peninsula?
This area was the birthplace of Islam--it was inhabited by polytheistic nomads with some village based farming. It was also located along major trade routes
What is the hajj?
The pilgrimage to Mecca every Muslim should take once in their life.
What is Mecca?
The city in the Arabian Peninsula that houses the Kaaba
What is the umma?
A word for the community of believers of Islam. Muhammad taught that this is more important than tribal, racial, or ethnic identities
What is India?
Islam spread to this area of the world because low-caste Hindus and untouchables found that Islam gave them more rights than did Hinduism
Who are Shia?
This group of Muslims broke off because they believed that only blood relations of Muhammad should rule the Islamic world
Who are the Bedouins?
The name for the nomadic people living in the Arabian Peninsula before the rise of Islam.
What is al-Andalus?
The name of ancient Spain during the Islamic Empire
What is Christianity?
This religion has similarities to Islam because it is also monotheistic and focuses on a relationship with God. As such, many people in the Byzantine empire easily converted from it to Islam.
What are Byzantine and Persian empires?
A weakening of these two empires was a reason for the rapid expansion of the Islamic/Arab Empire in the century following the death of Muhammad
Who are Sufi?
This group of Muslims denied the material world in the pursuit of spiritual union with Allah
What is the jihad?
Accepted meanings of this word are spiritual striving toward a God-conscious life and defending the umma from the threat of aggression but it does NOT mean forced conversion of conquered people.
What is the Battle of Talas?
Located in NW India, this battle site marks the end of the Eastern expansion of the Islamic Empire.
What is four?
The maximum number of wives a Muslim man could have as long as he could support them equally.
Converts did not have to pay a special tax imposed on non-Muslims OR Conversion opened the door to official positions in government OR A string of Muslim successes led people to believe that Islam was the true religion
A reason someone might convert to Islam
What is Sikhism?
This new religion blended elements of Hinduism and Islam to create a new
What is Sharia?
The body of Islamic law, concerned with both religious and social life
What is Baghdad?
The city that contains the House of Wisdom, the greatest academic center of Islam
Saying "there is no God but God and Muhammad is God's prophet," praying 5 times a day, fasting during Ramadan, Giving to the needy, and going on a Hajj to Mecca
Two Pillars of Islam
Rulers restricted Arab armies from taking over towns, separating them from the native populations OR rulers allowed a certain amount of local autonomy or self-government OR rulers did not force their new subjects to convert to Islam
A reason conquered people would have liked to be ruled by the Islamic Empire.
Islam spread especially among merchants, thanks to their inclusion in a major Islamic trading network, rather than through conquest and Islamic rule OR it was more open in its attitude toward women, allowing them to appear unveiled in public and mingle freely with men to whom they were not related.
An example of how the spread of Islam was different in West Africa.
What are hadiths?
traditions about the sayings or deeds of Muhammad
What is Anatolia?
The ancient name of the land mass of Asia Minor and the modern state of Turkey located next to Greece.

Chapter 11: Islam

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