Federalism Initiative Process Political Parties Interest Groups/PACs Liberal/Conservative Views
What is federalism?
The division of powers and laws between state and federal.
What is ordinary citizens?
Initiatives are a way for this group of people to create laws.
What is Democrat?
President Obama is a member of this political party.
What is Political Action Committee?
The acronym PAC stands for this.
What are Conservatives?
This group OPPOSES gun control.
What is the 10th Amendment?
Which amendment in the Bill of Rights helped set up Federalism?
What is gather signatures?
In order for initiatives to be placed on the ballot, or be considered by the legislature, the proponents of the initiative must do this first.
What is Interests; ideas, values; beliefs; Ideologies
Political Parties are pretty much groups that have similar types of THIS...
What is TRUE?

(I mean, really)
True or False: Nearly every politician, regardless of party, and including Pierce County representatives, has a PAC that raises money.
What are liberals?
This group supports Social Security and looks to expand services for those in need.
What is Reserved Power?
This type of power is "saved" for the states.
What is around 250,000 (or 8% of the last governor's election)?
For an initiative to make it onto the ballot there have to be roughly this amount of signatures from REGISTERED voters.
What is the Republican Party?
The elephant is a symbol for this political party.
What is the Federal Election Commission?
This government group is in charge of making sure the election process goes fairly, smoothly, and legally.
What are liberals?
This group supports naturalization as the way to handle immigration.
What is Expressed Powers?
This type of power is "directly" given to the federal government?
What is a referendum (referenda)?
Similar to initiatives, voters can collect signatures to bring a law already in the legislature back to be voted upon, allowing citizens to be a part of the legislative process.
What is the Democratic Party?
This political party would most likely favor a government that is more involved in the lives of U.S. citizens: helping the poor; providing money for unemployment; and have helped create different social services.
What is: promote their cause; support a candidate in favor of their interests; oppose a candidate who is against their cause; support legislation that would benefit the group or corporation.
Name one benefit to an interest group if they were to set up a PAC or contribute to a campaign.
What is the free market or capitalism?
This is the primary ECONOMIC belief or driving force of the Conservative viewpoint.
What is same-sex marriage, school lunches, marijuana laws, minimum wage, Common Core,
These are at least 2 issues currently involving the topic of Federalism (who has say in decisions/laws/rights).
What is the Freedom to Petition in the First Amendment?
The initiative process is most closely related to this part of the Bill of Rights.
What is the Republican Party?
This group believes in smaller government in regards to economics, but more government involvement in social issues.
What is Citizens United?
The court case in 2010 that allowed SuperPACs to spend unlimited money and treat corporations as individuals was the FEC v THIS GROUP.
What is diplomacy?
What is the liberal viewpoint on the best way to deal with the war on terror?

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