New England Region Mid-Atlantic Colonies Southern Colonies Other Things More Things
What is the New England colonies?
These colonies had shipbuilders and fisherman living in them.
What is "Breadbasket"?
The Mid-Atlantic colonies grew many grains and became know as what? (Nickname)
What is true?
True or False The two main jobs of the Southern colonies was agriculture and wood production.
What is "The Melting Pot"?
The Mid-Atlantic colonies were given this nickname because of so many different people settling there.
What are Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland.
Name the 5 Southern colonies.
Who are the Pilgrims and Puritans?
The two main groups of people who settled in the New England colonies
What are jobs?
Raising livestock and grains, fishing, and busy trade centers were important what of the MId-Atlantic colonies.
What is cotton, tobacco, rice, indigo, or sugar.
Name 3 cash crops of the Southern colonies.
What is the Appalachian Mountains?
This geographical feature ran through most of the 13 colonies.
What is a plantation?
Large farms in the south were called...
What is the Boston harbor, Appalachian Mountains, jagged coast line, rolling hills, very rocky soil.
List two geographical features of the New
England colonies.
What is true?
True or False People from many different countries and cultures came to settle the Mid-Atlantic colonies.
What is true?
True or False The climate of the Southern colonies was warm and humid in the summer and mild in the winter.
What is indentured servants?
This group of people worked for free for 3 to 7 years and then set free to live on their own.
What is True?
True or False
The climate of the New England was extremely cold in the winter and mild in the summer.
What is religious freedom?
The Pilgrims and Puritans come to America seeking this.
What are geographical features?
Lowlands, harbors and bays, rivers, Appalachian Mountains and rich fertile soil are what of the Mid-Atlantic colonies.
What is the geographical features of the Southern colonies?
Appalachian Mountains, hilly Piedmont, Atlantic Coastal Plain, freshwater rivers and streams. What do these describe?
What is specialization?
An efficient way to work and the cost of items produced is lower is called ...
What are slaves?
Group of people who was brought to America and sold to plantation owner were called...
What are jobs?
Fishing, shipbuilding and trade centers are important in this region.
What are the MId-Atlantic colonies.
Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware are these.
What is plantation owners, women, slaves, indentured servants, artisans?
Name 3 different people who lived in the Southern colonies.
What is Voluntary Exchange?
The willful exchange of goods so that both parties gain something from it is called,,,
What are Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania?
Name the four Mid-Atlantic colonies.

Colonial America

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