Nefesh Elokis #1 Nefesh Elokis #2 Nefesh Elokis #3 Nefesh Elokis #4 Nefesh Elokis #5
1. Nefesh Elokis
2. Neshama
3. Nefesh Hashenit
What are the 3 different names of the G-dly soul?
1. The Nefesh Elokis, our Neshama is what makes US a JEW!
2. Our Nefesh Elokis is a way for us to connect with Hashem!
What do we need the Nefesh Elokis for?
1. Sechel- perspectives
2. Midot- emotions and instinct reactions
What is the Nefesh Elokis made up of?
2 kings fighting to control 1 city.
What is the Nefesh Elokis and the Nefesh Habehamit compared to?
2, because he transformed his Nefesh Habehamit into a Nefesh Elokis and made it holy!

How many Nefesh Elokis’s does a Tzaddik have? Why?
1. The ability to connect with Hashem in a unique way
2. The ability to go outside our comfort zones and do things for others
3. The Nefesh Elokis does everything for Hashem!
Choose 2/3 things, from which we can see that the Nefesh Elokis is Selfless?
Neshama means breathe, Hashem created the world with speech. And Hashem created our souls by blowing and breathing into our souls.
What does Neshama mean? And in what way does the meaning of the word ‘Neshama’ relate to the way Hashem created our souls/ Neshamot?
Because the Nefesh Elokis is always within you from the moment you are born, until the moment you die.
Why cant you convert out of Judaism?
The Nefesh Hashenit is not vital, but a bonus soul. Many people around the word i.e. Non-Jews don’t have one, we don’t need the Nefesh Elokis to live, be good, or to make an impact.
Is the Nefesh Hashenit (Elokis) a vital soul, does everyone in this world have one?
“The soul of a man is compared to a flame”
A flame always goes up- the Neshama always wants to go up and connect with Hashem. Why? Because it always wants to connect with its source. Even though the flame will lose its identity when it joins the bigger flame- The Neshama is always willing to put himself aside for Hashem.
What Hebrew quote explains to us the comparison between a flame and our Neshama? Explain how the Neshama compares to a flame?
A Jew doing a mitzvah is always in line with who he is, there is no such thing as faking it because even if you’re not religious you still have Nefesh Elokis. So even if you’re not that religious and you do a mitzvah with not so much feeling, you’re not being fake. DO IT TILL’ YOU FEEL IT!
Do only religious Jews have a Nefesh Elokis or do all types of Jews have one? Explain?
“The 2nd soul in Jews, he is a part of G-d above” we are not similar to Hashem we are a part of Hashem.
Bonus points: +100 if they explain what the alter rebbe added (Literally- added by Alter Rebbe)
What Hebrew quote from Sefer Iyov do we learn in relation to the fact that the 2nd soul in Jews, the Nefesh Elokis, is a part of Hashem?

Do YOU know YOUR Nefesh Elokis?

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