Women's Rights African American Civil Rights Native Americans Reform 1980s and Beyond
What is the Nineteenth Amendment?
Amendment that guarantees national women's suffrage.
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
This Supreme Court case ruled that "separate but equal" in public education is inherently unequal.
What is Wounded Knee?
This battle (or massacre) officially ended the Indian Wars in 1890.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
President who brought America the New Deal.
Who is Bill Clinton?
The president who claimed to be a "new" kind of Democrat and won the election of 1992 and left a surplus on the budget.
What is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)?
In the 1970s and 80s, women fought for the passage of this amendment to the Constitution. It didn't pass.
What is the Double V campaign?
The Florida NAACP started this campaign during World War II to fight fascism abroad and racism at home.
What is the Dawes Severalty Act?
This 1887 law broke up the reservations and offered individual Indians 160 acres to farm.
What were relief, recovery, and reform?
The three goals of the New Deal.
What is the USA PATRIOT Act?
This law was passed after 9-11 as part of the War on Terror and limited due process and the right to privacy in the name of national security.
What is the National Women's Party (NWP)?
Members of this women's rights organization picketed the White House and engaged in hunger strikes.
Who are the Little Rock Nine?
Students who integrated Central High School in Arkansas.
What is the Homestead Act?
This 1862 law led to a flood of white immigration onto Indian lands in the West.
What was the Great Society?
The name of Johnson's program to extend the work of the New Deal.
Who is Al-Qaeda?
This group claimed responsibility for the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 under the leadership of Osama bin Laden.
What is Title IX?
Law that guarantees equal access and opportunity for females in public education.
Who were the Black Panthers?
Militant organization that tried to protect African American youth from police brutality; set up breakfast programs and health centers in ghetto neighborhoods; and encouraged a mindset of Black Power.
What is the American Indian Movement (AIM)?
This militant Indian group in the 1960s occupied Alcatraz and the Lakota reservation at Wounded Knee.
What is Medicare/Medicaid?
Medical program enacted by Johnson and expanded by Reagan. Reagan had previously called it "socialist"
What is the Iran-Contra Scandal?
Presidential scandal where the U.S. sold arms to Iran and used the funds to illegally fund Nicaraguan rebels.
What is The Feminine Mystique?
1950s book by Betty Friedan that encouraged women to question their role as homemakers and caretakers.
Who was A. Philip Randolph?
This African American leader was the first to threaten a March on Washington, but FDR gave in to his demands for integrated federal employment.
What is the Bureau of Indian Affairs?
This government agency managed Indian reservations, but corrupt officials often sold goods meant for the reservations to white settlers.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
President who offered America a Square Deal along with the three C's.
What is the Strategic Defense Initiative?
The press called Reagan's defense policy "Star Wars" but this is its real name.

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