US Government Amendments 1 Amendments 2 Court Cases 1 Court Cases 2
Who are Benjamin Franklin and John Adams?
These two Founders collaborated with Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence?
What is the 19th Amendment?
This amendment recognizes that the right to vote could not be denied to a citizen on the basis of gender.
What is the 26th Amendment?
This established the minimum age requirement for voting in federal elections at 18 years old.
What is McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)?
This established the right of Congress to pass laws that are "necessary and proper" to conduct the business of the US Government. It also established a national bank.
What is the Charles River Bridge case (1837)?
The responsibility of government is to "sacredly guard" the rights of property for the prosperity of the community.
What is the Three-Fifths Compromise?
The final resolution at the Constitutional Convention after a debate about slavery and disproportionate representation in the House of Representatives.
What is the 16th Amendment?
This amendment is not protected by the US Bill of Rights.
What is the 15th Amendment?
This amendment guaranteed the right to vote to African American males.
What is the teaching of the theory of evolution in public schools?
This issue was at the heart of the court case State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes (1925).
What is Munn v. Illinois (1877)?
The Court ruled in this case that businesses that serve public interest are subject to regulation by the state government.
What is the most significant contribution of The Federalist Papers?
Enduring ability to shed light on the laws and values that bind the nation.
What is the 8th Amendment?
This amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
What is the 22nd Amendment?
This amendment limited the amount of terms, and a time limit that a President can serve in office.
What is Marbury v. Madison (1803)?
This established the Supreme Court's role in the new government. It recognized the Court as having the power to review all acts of Congress where constitutionality was an issue.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?
The Court ruled that Jim Crow laws are constitutional under the doctrine of "separate but equal" in this case.
Who is James Madison?
This person is considered the "Father of the Constitution."
What is the 21st Amendment?
This amendment in the US Constitution is the only amendment that repeals another cognitional amendment.
What is the 14th Amendment?
This amendment guaranteed civil rights for all Americans. It also defined US citizenship, and prohibited states from enforcing laws that took away rights granted by citizenship. Finally, it prohibited those who served Southern Confederacy during the civil war from holding office, and refused to pay any Confederate debts.
What is Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)?
This Court ruled that the Constitution does not consider slaves to be US citizens but rather constitutionally protected property of their master.
What is San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez?
The Court ruled that the Constitution does not guarantee a fundamental right to education.
What is the Watergate scandal (under the Nixon Administration)?
This historic event established that no member of government, including the president, is above the law.
What is the 24th Amendment?
This amendment states that people cannot be denied the right to vote in federal elections because they have not paid a tax on voting.
What is the 6th Amendment?
This amendment guaranteed the right to a fair and speedy trial in addition to the right to be informed of accusations against him/her, to be confronted with witnesses against him/her, and to be able to summon witnesses for him/her, and to have legal counsel.
What is Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)?
This case stated when a federal and state law are in conflict, the federal law is supreme.
What is Miranda v. Arizona (1966)?
This case established the requirement to state a person's constitutional rights when arrested.

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