Warren Salleh Shiva Mies
Women and children
Which groups of people are most vulnerable to environmental degradation?

CHOOSE ONE: If actual monetary value was placed on ‘extracted resources and ecological damage’ the north would face a far greater/lesser debt than the one the south owes to the World Bank.
It excludes women and children’s work from the progress indicator
why is measuring development through GNP problematic?
Connection to nature
What does Mies argue we are unhappy without.
Human Others: women, children, poor persons, people of color; Earth Others: animals, plants, land, ecosystems
Define Human Others and Earth Others
A reduction in the level of production/consumption in those parts of the world with the highest standards of living.
What is eco-sufficiency?
nature’s economy deals with the natural production of air, fresh water, new life & sustenance (environmental regeneration)
what is nature’s economy??
Pornography is an association between....blank?
The movement that acknowledges the connection between the exploitation and degradation of nature and the oppression and subordination of women
Define ecofeminism
Climate change, Stratospheric ozone depletion, Intensification and expansion of mass ag, Deforestation, Overfishing, Mangrove conversion (or wetland destruction/conversion)
What is one of the 6 major environmental costs of human activities
food security, water quality, exposure to waste and toxic chemicals, nuclear fallout,
what are the main factors of environmental degradation?
To feel infantilized or to feel dominant.
What is mies agruing a reason for men traveling abroad for sex tourism?
income, food, fodder, fuel, products for the home (like utensils, medicines, building materials)
What are the five essential elements that trees provide for households in the global South?
A measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems contrasted with the planet's ecological capacity to regenerate. (how well the earth can regenerate from human demand)
What is an ‘ecological footprint’?
capitalism does not care about the wellbeing of the environment, only profit maximization and continue on until resources are depleted. women depend on these natural resources for their wellbeing - care, food, reproductive health and are inhibited when th
why is development so bad for the environment as a result women??
Because of the disassociation from nature and consuming it in sections.
Why can't men fufill there desires for sex and nature, naturally.
11 million gallons of oil spilled, many species of birds and sea otters killed, ecosystem dramatically affected, increased depression, PTSD, alcoholism, divorce
Describe the Exxon Valdez case in Alaska
The debt owed to the global North and South to unpaid reproductive workers who provide use values and regenerate the conditions of production, including the future labor force of capitalism.
What is embodied debt?
Douglas Fir
What is the state tree of Oregon
What is nature tourism a result of?

Feminism and The Environment

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