Federalism Liberal/Conservative Views Three Branches Foundations Relevant Current Events
What is federalism?
The division of powers and laws between state and federal.
What are Conservatives?
This group OPPOSES gun control.
What are executive, legislative, and judicial?
These are the 3 branches of the United States government.
What is freedom of (speech, religion, to assemble, press), trial by jury, no cruel and unusual punishment, right to bear arms, no search without a warrant, no quarter, etc.
These are at least 3 of the rights covered under the Bill of Rights.
What is initiatives, referendums, Governor, local government, etc.
Name at least one other thing that you will vote for in November besides just the president (generally, not specifically).
What is bathroom use for transgender individuals?
After federal "guidelines" were issued recently, some states are less than relieved about this civil rights issue that affects schools and federal facilities.
What are liberals?
This group supports Social Security and looks to expand services for those in need.
What is the legislative branch (congress)?
In order to go to war, the president would have to get a declaration from this branch of government.
What is representation?
One of the main grievances of the American colonies was lack of this--particularly taxation without it.
Who are Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, and Hilary Clinton?
These are the three remaining presidential hopefuls for the 2016 election.
What is the Bill of Rights (specifically, the 10th amendment)?
This is the document that helped set up the system of federalism
What are liberals?
This group supports naturalization as the way to handle immigration.
What is any branch having too much power?
The three branches were set up to keep what from happening?
What is the Declaration of Independence?
This document told King George and Great Britain both the colonies' grievances and also their desire to break away on their own, also known as our "break-up letter with England"
What is a Supreme Court justice?
One of the most important things the new president will do will be to appoint a new person to this position within the judicial branch.
What is Reserved, Expressed, and Concurrent
These are the names of the types of power split up under federalism (get at least 2 of 3).
What is the free market or capitalism?
This is the primary ECONOMIC belief or driving force of the Conservative viewpoint.
What is an executive order?
Seen as controversial, this is one of the powers which the president has in which they can put new guidelines in place or make changes to a law even before congress officially approves.
What is power?
It took a few tries, but by the time the Constitution was created, the writers had addressed this primary issue of no person or group having too much of this.
What are delegates or delegate votes?
In order to secure the nomination for their party, presidential hopefuls have to secure a certain amount of these.
What is same-sex marriage, school lunches, transgender bathroom use, marijuana laws, minimum wage, Common Core,
These are at least 2 issues currently involving the topic of Federalism (who has say in decisions/laws/rights).
What is diplomacy?
What is the liberal viewpoint on the best way to deal with the war on terror?
What is appointing justices?
This is the main responsibility regarding checks and balances that the executive branch has towards the judicial branch.
What are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
These three things are listed as unalienable rights within the Declaration of Independence.
What is California?
With one of the highest delegate counts, this is the state that is having an important presidential primary on Tuesday.

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