He Who Must Not Be Named. Let's Talk About Plot! To Literature and Beyond! *FINAL JEOPARDY*
Who is Ponyboy Curtis?
The protagonist and narrator of The Outsiders
What is the CLIMAX of The Outsiders?
After the rumble, Dally and Ponyboy visit Johnny. Johnny dies from his injuries.
What is first person point of view?
The point of view of The Outsiders
What is an allusion?
S.E. Hinton's uses of the novel, Gone with the Wind, and the poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay," are examples of this literary device (a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance)
Who is Johnny Cade?
The second youngest of the Greaser gang who dies after the church fire
What is the EXPOSITION of The Outsiders?
After leaving a movie theater, Ponyboy is jumped by a group of Socials. His fellow Greasers come to his rescue.
What is Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1960s?
The time and place (setting) of The Outsiders
Who is Darrell "Darry" Curtis?
The oldest Curtis brother who is protective over Ponyboy
What is the RESOLUTION of The Outsiders?
Ponyboy reflects on the tension between the Socials and the Greasers. He writes his English theme about his experiences in the gang.
Who is Dallas "Dally" Winston?
The character who has a police record since age 10 and helps Johnny and Ponyboy escape after the murder.
Who is Cherry Valance?
The character who acts as a spy for the Greasers
What is the RISING ACTION of The Outsiders?
While trying to protect Ponyboy from the Socials, Johnny stabs Bob and kills him. With Dally’s help, Johnny and Ponyboy run away to a church to hide out.
What is a dynamic character?
Ponyboy is THIS type of character because he undergoes an internal change throughout the novel.
Who is Randy Adderson?
The Social who visits Ponyboy and is hesitant to fight in the rumble
What is the FALLING ACTION of The Outsiders?
Dally robs a store and points his unloaded gun at the police, who shoot and kill him.
What is irony?
Ponyboy and Johnny being criminals one moment and heroes the next is an example of this literary device.

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