Relationships Intimacy Conflict Communication
What is YOU.
A good relationship starts with who?
What are unplanned pregnancies, STD's, shaky relationship foundation.
What are some consequences of rushing into sex?
What is Depression/Anxiety.
These symptoms have been on the rise since the increase in use of cell phones, social media, and gaming.
What is Communication.
Spoken words, voice and tone, body language, these things make up what?
What is Psychical, sexual, verbal/emotional abuse.
What is a red flag in a relationship?
What is Consent.
When one person agrees to or gives permission to another person to do something. Agreeing to an action based on your knowledge of what that action involves, its likely consequences and having the option of saying no. What is this called?
What is Baggage.
We carry things from our past-some good and some not so good. What is this called?
What is Respect.
Everyone should be treated with this.
What is Character.
Someone works to develop this through his or her efforts, actions, and choices.
What is Commitment.
This is putting a partners needs on the same level as your own with faithfulness.
What is Sexually Transmitted Disease.
What is a STD?
What is 7% spoken words, 38% voice, tone, and 55% is body Language.
What percent of communication is spoken words?
What is the Sliding Approach.
When you just “let things happen” and get involved with someone you don’t know very well, this is called what?
What are Chemicals.
These are in your brain making changes in your thinking when you are attracted to someone.
What is Hurt.
What emotion is typically behind anger?
What are Put-Downs, Negative Interpretation, Avoidance/Withdrawal, and Escalation.
There are 4 Communication Danger Signs. Give me two of them.
What is 1. Is it Controlling or Equal/Supportive? 2. Is it Conditional or Unconditional? 3. Is it mostly about sex/money or Attraction on many levels?
When looking at a healthy relationship there were three questions that will help you decide if it is a healthy or unhealthy relationship. What were the 3 questions?
What are 3-6-9 Months.
How long can love chemicals cloud ones vision?
What is Family.
Where do some of our heaviest baggage come from?
What is Speaker Listener Technique
This technique allows you to speak for yourself so the other person does not have to mind read but also seek to understand what the other person is saying and paraphrasing what you hear.

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