Decimals and Fractions Volume of Rectangular Prisms Unknown Edge of a Container Conversions Word Problems
What is 7.085
7 + .08 + .005
What is 96 ft^3
12ft x 4ft x 2ft
What is 6 ft
What is the missing height if the length is 12 ft., the width is 3 ft., and the volume is 216 ft^3.
What is 48 ft.
What is the amount of feet in 16 yards?
What is
w = 16 cm
p = 100 cm
What is the width and perimeter of a rectangle, if the area is 544 cm^2 and the length is 34 cm.
What is 11.05
10 + 0.8 + 0.25
What is 540 in^3
18in x 6in x 5in
What is 12 cm
What is the missing height if the length is 6 cm., the width is 7 cm., and the volume is 504 cm^3.
What is 5,000,000 cm
What is the amount of cm in 5,000 m
What is 3:4
What is the simplified ratio of the number of boys to girls in this classroom?
What is 83.704
83 + 7/10 + 4/1000
What is 2,024 cm^3
8cm x 23cm x 11cm
What is 4 in
What is the missing length if the height is 21 in., the width is 11 in., and the volume is 924 in^3.
What is 420 in
What is the amount of inches in 35 feet?
What is 2.7 zombies
2.7 zombies were hung in each tree
Ms. Bujuklian bought 17 zombies because she liked the way they smelt. She put 3.5 zombies in her garden. She then hung the remaining zombies in 5 of her trees in the backyard as decoration. Find the amount of zombies that were hung in each tree. (zombies were harmed in the making of this question)
What is 8.29
5 7/23 as a decimal?
What is 12,740 yd^3
49yd x 20yd x 13yd
What is 18 yd
What is missing width if the height is 15 yd., the length is 31 yd., and the volume is 8,370 yd^3.
What is 352 c
What is the amount of cups in 88 quarts?
What is 14 cm
Container A was filled with water to its brim. Container B was empty. All the water in Container A is poured into Container B. What is the height of the water level in Container B now?
Container A: 7cm by 6cm by 12cm
Container B: 9cm by 4cm by (?)
What is 7 1/6; 50/7; 7 3/10; 7 2/3
7 1/6; 50/7; 7 2/3; 7 3/10 in increasing order?
What is 47,124 km^3
63km x 34km x 22km
What is 25 km
What is the missing length if the height is 118 km., the length is 12 km., and the volume is 35,400 km^3.
What is 896 oz
What is the amount of ounces in 56 lbs
What is 24 students
Miss Elizabeth sold 1/2 of her students to Miss Amber on Saturday and 1/3 of her students on Sunday, because the students were being too noisy. There were 4 students left over. How many students did she have before she gave them away?

Math Review: Ch. 8

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