The Pressure's On The Ticker's Off That's So Sweet Grandma's Medicine Cabinet Safety First!
What is an ACE inhibitor?
This pharm category is known for ending in "pril"
What is Amiodarone?
This antiarryhthmic, also known as Cordarone, is used to treat life-threatening recurrent ventricular fibrillation or recurrent unstable ventricular tachycardia.
What is blood glucose?
Sliding scale insulin is given based on the results of this bedside blood test.
What is Milk of Magnesia?
This over the counter laxative is known for it's milky appearance and works by causing osmotic retention of fluid which distends the colon with increased peristaltic activity.
What is Pyxis?
This automated medication dispensing system has safety mechanisms in place to decrease med errors like prompts for lab values and name alerts.
What is blood pressure and heart rate?
These 2 vital signs are most important when considering the administration of a beta blocker.
What is a beta blocker?
Also used in the managament of HTN, this class of drugs works to decrease HR by blocking beta receptors in the heart.
What is glucose tabs? Four tabs to be exact
Given for treatment of glucose less than 70 mg/dL when the patient is awake and alert and not NPO.
What is garlic?
This favorite in Italian cooking is used for antimicrobial, antithrombotic and lipd lowering effects though evidence to support these therapeutic uses is lacking.
What is height, weight and allergies?
This patient data must be entered before medications will be dispensed.
What is hydrochlorothiazide
This thiazide diuretic is often used to treat HTN in conjunction with other antihypertensive therapies.
What is a Calcium Channel Blocker?
Verapamil, commonly used for the treatment of SVT and Afib, is a member of this pharmacological category.
What is metformin (glucophage)?
A common antidiabetic agent that works by decreasing hepatic glucose production and intestinal absorption of glucose and improving insulin sensitivity but should not be given to patients with poor kidney function.
What is Metamucil?
(or benefiber)
The uses for this drug range from fiber supplement to treatment for diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoid flare ups and IBS.
What is drug, dose, route, and frequency?
A complete scheduled medication order has these parts.
What is a beta blocker?
Recommended to give even when NPO for surgery.
What is atrial fibrillation?
The use of the calcium channel blocker Diltiazem, or Cardizem, is approved for the treatment of this atrial arrythmia.
What is Lantus insulin? (Or insulin glargine)
Usually administered at bedtime or in the morning, this type of long-acting insulin is used to simulate basal insulin secretion and improve glycemic control in patients with diabetes.
What is fish oil? (omega 3 fatty acids)
These oily capsules are often taken for their blood thinning and inflammatory reduction effects.
What is narcotics?
This class of medications requires a witness for waste or returns and has an automatic 96 hour stop date.
What is an ARB?
blocks the vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotensin II
What is Adenosine?
This drug is recommended by the AHA for use in treating stable SVT when vagal maneuvers are ineffective.
What is glyburide?
A sulfonylurea, this antidiabetic agent is often taken twice a day and works to stimulate insulin release from the pancreatic beta cells; reduces glucose output from the liver and increases insulin sensitivity
What is arthritis?
Chondroitin, often combined with glycosamine, is growing in popularity in the treatment of this condition, though studies on it's efficacy are conflicting with an absorption rate of 0-13%.
What is Lexicomp?
A useful tool located on GSnet for looking up medications.

Medication Administration

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