Toxicities and Deficiencies Energy Growth and Development Blood and Body Fluids Nervous System
What is copper?
A toxicity of this trace mineral is known as Wilson's Disease, caused by a mutation of ATP7B.
What is calcium and phosphorus?
Signaling through membrane-bound receptors requires these two minerals.
What is folate?
Functional methionine synthase deficiency is due to a lack of this vitamin involved in development.
What is quinone reductase and VKOR?
These two enzymes are required by oxidized Vitamin K in order to be reduced to KH2.
What are astrocytes?
Helping to control water balance in the brain is just one of the many functions of this nervous system cell type.
What is megoblastic anemia and hyperhomocyteinemia?
A deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause these two conditions.
What is NADH?
The electron transport chain requires this niacin vitamer.
What is the CPY26 gene?
The deficiency of this gene leads to Vitamin A toxicity due to Vitamin A not being degraded properly.
What is hemochromatosis?
This condition is caused by an iron overload in the liver and gut because iron can't get into the muscles or RBC progenitors.
What is glutamate?
This neurotransmitter can be used as a starting material for GABA, glutamine, and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.
What is warfarin?
High levels of Vitamin K interfere with the function of this popular anticoagulant.
What is pyruvate dehydrogenase?
The E1 subunit of this enzyme requires TPP to serve as a substrate binding pocket.
What is iodine?
Neurological and hypothyroid cretinism is due to a deficiency of this mineral.
What is tonicity?
In regards to fluids, this term takes into account the total concentration of only non-penetrating solutes.
What is BH4?
Scurvy indirectly affects the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine because it is needed to make this compound, used by the respective hydroxylases.
What is iodine?
A deficiency of this trace mineral causes goiter and cretinism, two conditions that interfere with proper growth and development.
What is magnesium?
This mineral acts as a bridge between ATP and enzyme complexes, and as a result participates in most aspects of ATP generation.
What is parathyroid hormone?
This hormone leads to increased bone resorption.
What is cystic fibrosis?
This condition is the result of a mutation in the chloride regulation channel.
What is amidation?
This process is often done to neuropeptides to help increase activity to the neuropeptide and protect it from degradation.
What is Vitamin D and phosphorus?
Rickets may be caused by a deficiency of this vitamin or mineral.
What is to transfer oxygen and act as an oxidizing agent?
As a co-factor in many of the reactions in this section, non-heme iron's role is to do this.
What is Vitamin K?
This vitamin is involved in the carboxylation of glutamate to gamma-carboxyglytamate.
What is ADH (AVP)?
Alcohol and caffeine block this hormone.
What is copper?
This mineral has negative impacts on the nervous system whether it is deficient, as found in Menke's disease, or present at toxic levels, as found in Wilson's disease.

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