Engineering Mustaches Food Men's Health Sports
a. Professional Engineers Organization
b. Ontario Society of Professional Engineers
c. Ontario Professional Engineers Association
d. Professional Engineers Ontario
What is the name of the licensing body for Engineers in Ontario?
a. Clubs
b. Diamonds
c. Hearts
d. Spades
Who’s the only king in a deck of cards that doesn’t have a mustache?
a. Hors d’œuvres
b. En papillote
c. Menuiere
d. A la carte
What Is The Culinary Term For ‘According To The Menu’?
a. True
b. False
c. Depends on how hot your head gets
d. This is unknown
Wearing a hat or using a blow-dryer can cause baldness?
a. Swimming
b. Figure Skating
c. Ultimate Frisbee
d. Soccer
What sport is commonly referred to as "The Beautiful Game"?
a. The Shanghai Tower
b. The Burj Khalifa
c. The CN Tower
d. The One World Trade Centre
What is the tallest building in the world?
a. less than 10 years
b. 25 years
c. 43 years
d. over 50 years
For how many years was Albert Einstein not seen without his mustache?
a. 5,000
b. 9,000
c. 12,000
d. 15,000
What Is The Price Of The Most Expensive Pizza In The World?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 20
d. 50
How much more likely are men to be colourblind than women?
a. Horse Racing
b. Soccer
c. Hockey
d. Golf
What sport has the oldest known trophy?
a. March
b. June
c. September
d. December
What is national Engineering Month (per Engineers Canada)?
a. 3 months
b. 6 months
c. 2 years
d. 5 years
How long does the average man shaving and mustache grooming (assuming he begins around 15 and lives to be around 75)?
a. burrito
b. horchata
c. barbacoa
d. churro
Which Mexican Food Has A Name Meaning “Little Donkey”?
a. how often you shave
b. size and shape of hair follicles
c. how frequently you apply beard oil
d. level of testosterone in the body
What determines how thick one’s beard will be?
a. 1893
b. 1898
c. 1902
d. 1907
When was the Stanley Cup first awarded?
a. Frederick Winslow Taylor
b. Charles Dickens
c. Oliver Heaviside
d. Rudyard Kipling
Who authored the “Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer”?
a. 600
b. 1,200
c. 6,000
d. 12,000
There are between 10,000 and 20,000 hairs on a man’s face; how many are in the average mustache?
a. Caraway seeds
b. Annatto
c. Vanilla bean
d. Saffron
Which Is The Most Expensive Spice In The World By Weight?
a. prostate cancer
b. colorectal cancer
c. skin cancer
d. lung cancer
What is the leading cause of cancer death among men?
a. February 2nd in Shanghai
b. February 3rd in Tokyo
c. February 4th in Beijing
d. February 5th in Ho Chi Min City
What's the opening day of the next Olympics and where are they being held?
a. Horton’s Equation
b. Bernoulli Equation
c. Hazen-Williams Equation
d. Manning’s Equation
What is the name of the following equation?
P1+1/2 ρ(v1)^2+ρg(h1) = P2+1/2 ρ(v2)^2+ρg(h2)
a. 5.5 feet
b. 8 feet
c. 11.5 feet
d. 14 feet
How long is the world's longest mustache (according to the Guinness World Records?
a. Cacophobia
b. Mageirocophobia
c. Elurophobia
d. Koinoniphobia
What do you upcall the fear of cooking?
a. 66-71
b. 60-65
c. 69-73
d. 62-66
The average resting heart rate for a man in good health is between what values (in bpm)?
a. 200
b. 336
c. 417
d. 574
How many dimples does an average golf ball have?

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