Past Tense Vocab

Vocab 1, 2 & 3 Vocab 4 & 5 Character Analysis True or False Final Questions
What is Debris
The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up
What is A bothersome annoying person
Who is Curley
The Boss's Son
At the end of the story, Curley killed Lennie
What is getting to tend the rabbits
This excites Lennie the most about his dream life on the farm with George...
What is Embrace
The state of taking in or encircling
What is Confide
Reveal in private; tell confidently
Who is Crooks
The stable buck with the bad back
Lennie did not mean to hurt anything he killed
What is a Tart
Candy characterizes Curley's new wife as this...
What is Anguish
Extreme distress of body or mind.
What is Aloof
Remote in matter – emotionally distant; removed
Who is Carlson
Shot Candy's Dog
The two main characters are George Milton and Lennie Small
What is Curley's Wife
This is the name of Curley's wife...
What is Apprehensive
In fear or dread of possible evil or harm
What is Avert
Turn away or aside
Who is Candy
The swamper with one hand
Curley's wife always came into the barn to find a date
What is Weed
This is where George and Lennie just came from and where Lennie touched the girl's dress...
What is Deliberate
In an unhurried manner
What is Jeer
Laugh at with contempt and derision
Who is Lennie
Has an ironic last name of "Small"
Lennie and George are cousins
What is Aunt Clara
This is the name of Lennie's aunt that George knew growing up...
The past tense of Creep

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