Code Amber Fire in the OR Shoulder Dystocia Part One Shoulder Dystocia Part Two car seat safety
What is a Code Amber?
A suspected child or infant abduction.
What is the fire triangle?
Heat, fuel, and oxidizer.
What is shoulder dystocia?
Difficulty delivering the fetal shoulders following delivery of the head.
What are the fetal complications?
Fractured clavicle or humerus, brachial nerve injury, Erb's palsy, asphyxia, mental retardation, and fetal death.
What are the AAP guidelines regarding child placement in the car
Children should be rear facing in car seats until 2 years of age and if under 13 years should be secured in the back seat
What has JFK done to protect the security of our babies?
A four part identification bracelet, Secure Alert system, nursery doors are locked and the is a locked Maternal Child Health unit.
What are examples of heat sources?
Electro cautery, defibrillators, and heated probes.
What is mcRobert's maneuver?
Flexing mom's thighs a high against the abdominal muscles.
What is wood's maneuver?
The physician will place a hand behind the posterior shoulder and rotate 180 degrees towards the anterior shoulder.
Where is the proper location for the retain clip when infant is placed in the car set
Retaining clip should be placed at armpit level
What is the number to call a Code Amber?
What are fuel sources?
Dripping prep solution, open bottles or basins containing volatile solutions, and alcohol from suture packs.
What are some of the risks associated with shoulder dystocia?
Macrosomia, maternal obesity, maternal diabetes, post dates, and prolonged first and/or second stage.
What are the nurse's responsibilities?
Observe for "turtle sign", call for help, position patient in McRobert's, apply supra pubic pressure (never fundal pressure), record sequence and timing of events during the birth.
What is motor vehicle crashes
The leading cause of unintentional deaths for children under 15 years old
What is the profile of the average abductor?
Female, child bearing to middle age, in a relationship.
What is an oxidizer?
What is the turtle sign?
Recoil of the head caused by impact ion of the anterior shoulder behind the symphis pubis?
What is included in the assessment of the newborn?
Neonatal resuscitation as needed, assess for fractured clavicle, assess for brachial plexus injury, and minimize pain or discomfort.
What is the proper position for an infant in a car seat
Rear facing when under one year and 20 pounds
How should staff proceed if they find articles belonging to the infant?
Secure the area, and do not touch the evidence.
What is the proper prepping technique?
The prepping solution should be applied with minimal dripping to avoid pooling.
What are maternal complications?
Episiotomy extended, lacerations, hematomas, uterine atony, hemorrhage, bladder injury, and rectal injury.
What are suggestions for documentation in the medical record?
Narrative note summarizing the interventions and clinical events, closely approximate the delivery of the head and the time of the delivery of the body, the maneuvers were under the direction of the physician, include times for calls and when assistance a
What is the appropriate angle for a rear facing infant seat
45 degrees

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