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What is the study of human society and social behavior
Define sociology
What is What is human behavior done in reaction to, in relationship to, or in reference to other people
define social behavior
What is the order model
What model did Emilè Durkheim establish?
what is groups are people who regularly and consciously interact and share a common culture while aggregates are just a bunch of people in the same place at the same time
define groups vs aggregates
what are all the shared products of a society
Define culture
What is behavior done in relationship to a status
Define roles
What is a position we occupy that defines our relationship to someone else
define status
Who is Emilé Durkheim
who is the founder of functionalism?
What is 1) we are all interconnected and 2) things are not always as they appear - what we learn is learned through society
define the 2 central insights of sociology
What is a population that occupies the same territory, is subject to the same political authority and participates in a common culture
Define society
What is there are much larger forces that come into play when it comes to determining who we are. traits cannot be understand without first understanding private and public matters. (i.e family, economic status, peer influence, etc.)
define the sociological imagination
What is you find yourself in a status. Either by birth or involuntarily later in life
define ascribed status
Who is Carl Marx and the conflict is the only order in society is enforced by those in power. social systems are unequal and resources and rewards are unevenly distributed
who established and what is the conflict model?
What is systematic - deliberate what is comprehensive - big picture and what is group effort - when replicated there is a more complete view
The 3 general characteristics of sociological studies/methods of knowing?
what is numbers/sophisticated vs worth/impact
define quantitative vs qualitative
What is the study of the methods and techniques used by people to make sense of the world. ex. breaching experiments
define ethnomethodology
understanding behavior at the STRUCTURAL level vs understanding behavior at the INDIVIDUAL level
define macro vs micro theory
Who is Erving Goffman
Who founded the dramaturgical approach?
What is a set of ideas that explain a range of human behaviors and a variety of social events
define sociological theory
What is informal rules/minor infractions vs formal/serious violations vs most serious/cannibalism
define folkways vs mores vs taboos
What is the idea that while society has power over its members, social actors have the power to change society. (what we consider sacred and unchangeable is a social construction that can be reconstructed)
define the sociological paradox
Believing in ideas that aren't in a groups objective interests but rather in the best interests of the capitalist class vs recognizing class interests and oppression and an understanding who the oppressors are.
define false vs class consciousness
Who is Pete Burger
who established that we "become what we play" and can become very different people because of social expectations?
What is cohesion, consensus, cooperation, and stability. The contributions of and equilibrium amongst society's institutions. ***All societies have functional requirements that must be met. Society is one entity with different parts that work for the good of the whole. each group has a function. hints: FUNCTIONalism***
what does the order model emphasize?
What is front stage behavior (public impression management) what is aligning actions (what we do when our cover is blown) and what is backstage behavior (private )
the 3 categories of human behavior in the dramaturgical approach

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