DEPORTES EL CUERPO Demonstrative Adjectives Possessive Adjectives Interview Questions
el equipo
How do you say "team" in Español"?
el corazón
If this part of the body stops working, the person dies
Este. esta, estos, estas
What are the 4 ways to say "this" and "these" in Español? (Close group)
Nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
What are the 4 ways of saying "our"?
Sí (no, no) jugué un deporte
Jugaste un deporte ayer? (listen for the correct verb ending/ pronunciation)
el baloncesto, el fútbol
el fútbol americano, el hockey, el volibol
el béisbol

Give the Spanish name of 2 "team" Sports
any three: los ojos, el pelo, la boca, la nariz, las orejas, los dientes, la lengua
Name three different parts of "la cabeza"
Aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas
What are the 4 ways to say "that one over there" and "those ones over there"? (far away)
Yo salgo con MIS amigos
Fill in the blank: Yo salgo con ____ amigos
Mi madre/ padre trabajó, leyó, vio la tele, cocinó, limpió la casa
Qué hizo tu madre o tu padre ayer? (one thing)
(listen for the correct verb ending/ pronunciation)
A fast and dangerous game that uses a basketlike container (a scooper) strapped to the player's arm and a hard ball; must wear a helmet; must catch the ball and throw it in one swing
Explain the sport of "Jai Alai"
neck = el cuello
throat = la garganta
How do you say neck and throat?
The ones with a "T" are closest to me, the ones with an "A" are farthest away and the ones in the middle are litte.
What's the trick/ saying to help you remember the 3 groups of demonstratives?
Ana y Maria buscan SU libro
Fill in the blank: Ana y Maria buscan ___ libro
Comí (pollo) y bebí (agua).
Qué comiste y bebiste para la cena anoche?
(listen for the correct verb ending/ pronunciation)
(Yo) practiqué (la) lucha libre ayer.
Translate: I practiced (past tense) wrestling yesterday.
legs= Las piernas;
other parts= la rodilla, el tobillo, los pies
How do you say "legs" in Espanol, and tell me 2 other parts of the leg
Aquellos chicos son de Peru.
Translate: Those boys (over there) are from Perú
El coche de Paco es azul
There is no apostrophe "s" in español.
Translate: Paco's car is blue
Le di ….ropa, un libro, chocolate,
Qué le diste a tu madre para Navidad?
(listen for the correct verb ending/ pronunciation)
(Ellos) practicaron (el) atletismo ayer.
Translate: They practiced (past tense) track and field yesterday.
Me duele la cabeza (singular)
Me duelen los pies. (plural)
Translate: My head hurts and
My feet hurt. Pronounce clearly.
Esta chica habla Español.
Translate: This girl speaks Spanish.
El cumpleaños de Juliana es EL 6 de enero.
There is no apostrophe "s" in español.
Translate: Juliana's birthday is January 6
Llegué A LAS ocho. (a las ocho menos diez)
A qué hora llegaste a la escuela esta mañana? (listen for the correct verb ending/ pronunciation)

Spanish 10: Unit 7

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