The Basics GUD KEY WORDS Famous faces of Syphilis Do you have syphilis? No, the answer is not arsenic
What are HSV and Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi)
We are the painful genital ulcers.
What is Syphilis
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single, painless, heaped up borders with clean base
Who is Leo Tolstoy
The author of this book
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What is Yes
-RPR/FTA may be negative
-no darkfield for oral lesions (nonpathogenic treponemes in your mouth)
Female with unprotected vaginal and oral sex 3 weeks ago with a painless ulcer on her vulva and on her soft palate. Heaped up borders. Clean base.
(-) RPR, (-) FTA, darkfield of oral ulcer (-)
What is penicillin G 2,4 MU IM X 1
A pregnant woman is diagnosed with primary syphilis and has a history of anaphylaxis to penicillin. This is the treatment of choice.
What are
LGV (but the LAD hurts)
Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis, Klebsiella granulomatosis)
We are the painless genital ulcers.
what is HSV
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multiple, painful, superficial, vesicular or ulcerative with erythematous base
Napoleon Bonaparte
What is NO
False (+) RPR: old, pregnant, autoimmnune, viral infection
(+) RPR/(-) FTA
What is doxycyline 100mg po BID X 14 days.
A 22 yo male presents with a macular/papular rash, low grade fevers, malaise, and hair loss. RPR (+), FTA (+). He reports anaphylaxis to penicillin. This is the treatment of choice.
What is Chlamydia trachomatis L1-L3
I am the organism that causes Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV).
What is chancroid
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painful, indurated, ragged ulcers and tender suppurative inguinal adenopathy, kissing lesions on thigh
Howard Hughes
What is No
-false positive treponemal-specific ab tests (LYME)
(+) EIA/(-) RPR/(-) FTA
What is
aqueous crystalline penicillin G 18-24 MU daily for 10-14 days
procaine penicillin 2.4 MU IM daily plus probenecid 500mg po QID for 10-14 days
2nd line Ceftriaxone 2gm IM or IV X 10-14 days
A 20 yo male with macular/papular rash, low grade fevers, malaise, hair loss, and headache, photophobia and uveitis. RPR (+), FTA (+), CSF VDRL (+),
What is HSV
primary (up to 50% are HSV 1)
Recurrent (usually HSV 2)
I am the most common cause of genital ulcers in the US.
Granuloma Inguinale
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painless, progressive (destructive), serpigionous ulcerative lesions, without regional LAD, beefy red with white border and highly vascular
Edouard Manet
The painter of this painting
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What is YES
this is either prior adequately treated or prior unadequately treated or early before the RPR turned (+).
(+) EIA/(-) RPR/(+) FTA
What is Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 MU IM X 1
(Early latent <1 year)
A 23 yo asymptomatic male presents for routine STD screening. His RPR is (+) at 1: 16, FTA (+).
Last RPR (or FTA) was negative 6 months ago.
What is True
True or False:
The CDC recommends treatment of all primary episodes of genital HSV.
Short lived painless ulcer accompanied by painful suppurative inguinal LAD; "groove sign
Al Capone
The man responsible for this carnage
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What is NO
(+) VDRL in CSF/(-) RPR/(-) FTA
What is Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 MU IM q7 days X 3 doses.
Late Latent or Syphilis of unknown duration
A 26 yo asymptomatic male presents for routine STD screening.
His RPR is positive at 1:32, FTA (+). States prior testing was negative but does not know date and was done in another state. Has frequent sexual partners.

STD Round 2 -Genital Ulcer Diseases

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