Terms & Trivia Transmission Management STI Assessments STI Plans
True or False: You can get an STI from a toilet seat.
True or False: It is possible to get a sexually transmitted infection in the rectum.
If patient has history of anus problems or anal sex, or has abnormal anus or rectum exam
When would a rectal test for an STI be indicated?
Male 3: Patient with Positive Gonorrhea Test or Positive Chlamydia Test
History: 24 year old male patient reports penile discharge for one week. He reports burning with urination. Last had sex 2 weeks ago with new female partner. No condom use.
Exam: Penis with clear discharge and redness around urethral opening.
Lab Test: Positive Chlamydia
Genital Herpes
General Care of the Female Genitals
Safer Sex
List the 3 patient education topics you would want to give to a female patient with an assessment of Possible Genital Herpes, Recurrent Sores (Female 9).
True or False: Genital warts can return even after they are treated.
True or False: You can get a gonorrhea or chlamydia infection in the mouth or throat by performing oral sex on a male or female partner with the infection.
Last 6 months
Sex partners of a patient with an STI must be contacted. Partners from how far back before the last sexual encounter must be contacted?
Male 2: Named as STI Contact
History: 28 year old male presents to clinic because a female partner he was sexually active with 3 months ago, told him that she was diagnosed with either Gonorrhea or Chlamydia but he can’t remember which. Patient denies discharge, abdominal pain, or other STI symptoms.
Exam: Normal
Labs: Not yet performed.
Every day until patient is feeling better (which may take 3-4 days) and 3 days after finishing the antibiotic medication.
When would you want to recheck a patient who has been assessed with Female 3: Possible Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), Ectopic pregnancy, infertility, chronic pelvic pain.
Name one of the complications that can occur from untreated Gonorrhea or Chlamydia.
True or False: You can get herpes from sharing a glass
True or False: You should instruct your patient to clean their genitals prior to obtaining a urine test for Gonorrhea/Chlamydia.
Female 10: Growth on Genitals: Possible Genital Warts
History: 41 year old female presents with bumps on her genitals. Has had for several weeks. Not painful. Last sexual activity 3 months ago.
Exam: Flat, raised, flesh-colored, clustered lesions on labia and around the anus.
Doxycycline 100mg. Take 1 tab PO BID x 7 days
What medication is indicated for an adult patient with a positive Chlamydia test for a patient who is NOT pregnant and has NO allergies. What is the dosing?
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
BONUS POINTS ONLY: This is the most common STI in the United States. Approximately 79 million Americans are currently infected and most sexually active men and women will become infected in their lifetime.
True or False: An active outbreak is required to spread herpes
True or False: Patients with positive Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and HIV tests must be Mandatory Reported to the State of Alaska section of Epidemiology.
Female 2: Other Vaginal Discharge
History: 68 year old female presents vaginal discharge x several weeks. States it has an odor and is grayish. No itching. No abdominal pain, no pain with urination. Sexually active with male partner, monogamous x 34 years.
Exam: No fever, no pelvic tenderness, malodorous gray-white discharge, no cervical motion tenderness.
Vaginal Discharge with Abdominal Pain, Possible Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Which STI female reproductive system Assessment must ALWAYS be reported NOW
Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis
Name 3 STIs that can be treated with antibiotics
True or False: A condom, if used correctly, will completely prevent the transmission of the Herpes virus.
HPV and Hepatitis B
BONUS POINTS ONLY: What two sexually transmitted infections can be prevented by immunization?
Male 6: Sore or Rash on Genitals: Possible Genital Herpes, Recurrent Sores
History: 43 year old male presents today with several blisters on his penis for 1 week. They are mildly itchy and sore. He has recently had a severe lung infection and has not been sexually active in the last 7 months. He thinks the rash is similar to something he had a couple years ago.
Exam: grouped blisters below head of penis, tender to palpations. No tender or swollen inguinal lymph nodes.
1 week
What is the minimum amount of time you AND YOUR PARTNER need to wait to have sex again after you BOTH have taken all the medication for a Gonorrhea or Chlamydia infection?

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