Head/Body La hora Usted V.S. Tu Day of the Dead/Christopher Columbus Saludos
What is head
la cabeza
What is 3 o clock
son las tres
What is Tu
What is Day of the dead
Skeletons are a big part
What is good morning
buenos dias
What is neck
el cuello
What is a quarter after 3
son las tres y cuarto
What is Usted
Your Boss
What is Christopher Columbus
Is Italian
What is good afternoon
buenos tardes
What is straight
What is 1 o clock
es la una
What is Tu
What is Day of the dead
Have a picnic at a grave site
What is pardon/sorry
What is chest
el pecho
What is half past 8
son las ocho y media
What is Usted
What is Christopher Columbus
Sailed 4 times to america
What is what a shame
que lastima
What is short
What is 8 in the morning
son las ocho de la manana
What is Tu
What is Day of the dead
You make a shrine for the person
What is how are you (formal)
como esta usted

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