Causes of the Civil War Civil War Leaders (North and South) Civil War Battles A Soldier's Life Reconstruction
What is the Cotton Gin?
This invention made the cultivation of cotton profitable and led to large plantation style farming. It combed the fiber and separated the seeds much faster than could be done by hand.
Who is Jefferson Davis?
He became the President of the Confederate States of America.
What is the First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)?
This early battle in the Civil War was watched by women, children, Congressmen, reporters and other civilians some of whom even brought picnic lunches.
What is 24?
The median age of soldiers in the Civil War.
Who is General Robert E. Lee?
This former Confederate leader urged his men to go home, plant crops, and be good citizens.
What is an abolitionist?
The term for a person who opposes slavery.
Who is Clara Barton?
She was known as "The Angel of the Battlefield" and she helped start the Red Cross in America.
What is the battle of Fort Donelson?
This battle was the first major Union victory of the war and it opened up the deep south to attack by Union forces.
Who are drummer boys?
These musicians did not have to meet the minimum age requirement because they technically did not fight. They also performed other nonmusical services like: cooking, fetching water, and carrying stretchers.
What is the Ku Klux Klan
This violent and racist organization was created in the South to threaten freed slaves and those who tried to help them.
Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?
The author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Who is Robert E. Lee?
Abraham Lincoln offered this man command of the Union army before he declined to led the Confederacy and defend his home state of Virginia.
What is the battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)?
This battle was the single bloodiest day of the war with over 23,000 casualties. Union forces were unable to defeat or destroy the Army of Northern Virginia, but they did halt its advance into the North.
What are "teeth dullers" (or "sheet-iron crackers")?
This is the nickname for the Union army's flour and water biscuit called hardtack.
What is carpetbaggers?
This was the term Southerners used to describe Northerners who tried to make money at the expense of the defeated South.
What is the Fugitive Slave Law?
This law required all citizens to return runaway slaves to their owners.
Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
He became Commander in Chief of the Union armies after his victory at Vicksburg. His nickname was Unconditional Surrender.
What is the battle of Gettysburg?
This battle occurred when Robert E. Lee marched his troops into Pennsylvania to try to force an end to the war.
What are cannons?
These pieces of artillery played a major role in battles. They fired exploding shells used to break up attacks by charging troops or blasted defensive positions.
Who is Andrew Johnson?
This president was impeached and nearly removed from office. He lacked the political skills and healing attitude of Lincoln and some Congressional leaders felt he was too soft on the defeated South.
What is Kansas?
This state became a battleground between pro-slavery and abolitionists before the Civil War.
Who is William Tecumesh Sherman?
He was a West Point graduate who became a Union
General and led troops at the disastrous battle of Bull Run. He disliked politicians, distrusted newspapermen, and believed that "war is all hell."
What is the battle of Chancellorsville?
In this battle Confederate General Stonewall Jackson was mortally wounded, shot by one of his own men in the arm. The Confederates won but suffered 13,000 casualties and Stonewall Jackson died a week later.
What is illness (sickness, disease)?
For every soldier killed in battle, four died of this.
Who is James Longstreet (or John Singleton Mosby)?
This Southern leader supported President Grant, joined the Republican Party, and held and appointed government position.

The American Civil War

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