Ch. 7-Technology #1 Ch. 7-Technology #2 Ch. 7-Technology #3 Ch. 8-School definitions Ch. 8-School Definitions
What is Assistive Technology
The array of devices and services that help people with disabilities performs better in their daily lives. Such devices include motorized chairs, remote control units that turn appliances on and off, computers,and speech synthesizers.
What is Drill and Practice
In educational technology, software programs that give students a series of tasks to reinforce a concept or to initially diagnose a student's level, These programs monitor progress, provide feedback, and present tasks accordingly.
What is Simulation
A technique for learning or practicing skills that involves dealing with a realistic, but artificial problem or situation. Typically, it provides an opportunity for safe practice with feedback on performance.
What is academic freedom
The teacher's freedom to determine the most appropriate instructional materials and the most appropriate teaching strategies without censorship, interference, or fear of reprisal.
What is due process
An administrative agency decision-making, notice of charges or potential rule making coupled with opportunity to appear, present evidence, and confront witnesses if warranted.
What is a Blog
A personal website that the used updates frequently. Most are used like a journal or as a place to share personal opinions and information.
What is LCD Projector
A projector that allows projection of the material seen on a computer screen to a larger screen for the whole class to see.
What is Social Media
Media that features content created by nonprofessionals; examples include posting by bloggers and digital photos posted at online photo-sharing sites.
What is acceptable use policy
A policy that a user must agree to follow in order to be provided access to a network or to the internet
What is ethics
A set of moral principles that may be held by a society, a group or an individual.
What is Cognitive Tools
Computer applications that are used to engage and enhance thinking.
What is Mind Maps (Webs)
Graphical representations of a story or concept.
What is Spreadsheet
An interactive software program allowing users to perform multiple calculations and view more than one answer at a time.
What is breach of contract
A failure to fulfill contractual obligations
What is fair use
Copyright law has certain built-in exceptions that allow for special situations in using copyrighted material. They are called what?
What is Digital Storytelling
An instructional approach in which students use images, often digital photos, accompanied by their own written and recorded narrative to create a story that is stored digitally.
What is News Group
A worldwide electronic network of users who share a common interest and post message to one another.
What is Tutorials
A software application designed to provide initial instruction in a given topic, check for understanding throughout the process, and evaluate the learner's grasp of the topic once the program is completed.
What is Buckley Amendment
the 1974 family educational rights and privacy act granting parents of students under 18, and students 18 or over, the right to examine their school records
What is grievance
A formal complaint against an employer alleging unsatisfactory working conditions.
What is Distance Education
The use of technology to link students and instructors who are separated in terms of location.
What is Productivity Tools
Applications, such as word processors, email programs, and spreadsheets, that let a person accomplish tasks more efficiently than if he or she had to use a typewriter, a calculator, or postal mail.
What is Virtual Ubiquitous Computing
Situations in which each student is provided access to some type of mobile computing device to use inside the classroom, out in the field, and at home.
What is continuing contract
states that its terms will remain n force until the teacher is given notice that the contract will be terminated o a particular date.
What is in loco parentis
in place of the parents

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