Vocabulary People Territories Explanations Miscellaneous
What is Manifest Destiny?
The belief that it was natural for the United States to expand to the Pacific Ocean was called __________.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
_______ was the president of the United States that bought the Louisiana territory for the U.S.
What is the Louisiana territory?
The U.S. bought _________ from France for $12 million.
What is they needed more room because of rapidly growing population; more resources; keep them safe from other countries?
The U.S. expanded westward because ___________.
What is California and gold?
The Forty-Niners went to ____________ in search of ___________ in 1849.
What is a reservation?
An area set aside by the United States government for Native Americans is called __________.
Who is Lewis and Clark?
Two men who explored the land west of the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean were ______ and ______.
What is Florida?
The U.S. invaded _____ and later the U.S. acquired it by paying off millions of damages to Georgia that Spain was responsible for.
What is they needed the money to pay for war?
France agreed to sell the Louisiana territory because __________ and the U.S. wanted it because ______?
What is Western Expansion?
The telegraph, railroads, and Indian Reservations in Oklahoma all came about because of __________.
What are territories?
Large regions of land that were added to the U.S are called ___________.
Who is Sacagawea?
The Indian woman who guided Lewis and Clark across that Rocky Mountains was ____________.
What is Texas?
Santa Anna's army attacked the Alamo in _______is territory.
What are bought it, fought for it, and made agreements?
What were 3 ways that the U.S. acquired western territories?
What is 50 years and the 19th century?
The acquisition of all of the U.S. west of the Mississippi River took place over a period of how many years and in what century.
What is acquisition?
Taking possession of something; getting something is called ____________.
Who is Sam Houston?
The president of the Lone Star State was ________.
What is the Northwest territory and the Oregon territory?
The U.S. and Britain agreed on a boundary that gave _______ to the U.S. To the North of this territory was Canada.
Positive: What is It led to railroads, telegraphs, more room, more resources, and kept us safe from other countries.
Negative: What is it forced Native Americans onto reservations with some of them dying. It also separated families?
What impact did westward expansion have on the U.S., both positive and negative?
What is the Lone Star Republic (State)?
Texas was called this for 9 years because it was independent and governed itself.
What is a boundary?
____ is the geographic line that separates two places.
Who is Davy Crockett?
The American pioneer who was killed at the Alamo was ___________.
What is the Southwest territory? (or Mexican Cession or California)
The U.S. invaded and defeated Mexico, gaining this territory in the peace treaty that ended the war between the two countries.
What is to explore to gain information, to map the territory, and to find the Northwest Passage?
The reason for the Lewis and Clark expedition was _________.
What is 49 degrees North Parallel and Canada?
_________ was the boundary line that Britain agreed to when giving the U.S. Oregon Country. Also, above this line was ____________.

Western Expansion

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