Picture Books Authors only Animal books Strong Character Novels Anything Goes!
What is Barnum's Bones?
It took seven more years to clean and mount the skeleton.
Who wrote Laugh with the Moon?
Shana Burg
What is the One and Only Ivan?
Is there anything sweeter than the touch of another as she pulls a dead bug from your fur?
What is Glory Be?
Pool opening soon! Hanging Moss Picnic Here. All Welcome!
What is Bake Sale?
His best friend plays trombone in a band.
Who wrote Coral Reefs?
They cover less than half a percent of the total ocean floor.
Who wrote Whatever After: Fairest of all?
Sarah Mlynowski
What is Waiting for the Magic?
We'll take them all, Mama said crisply.
What is Flying the Kite?
We were talking about how hard your Saturday Japanese classes are.
What is 10 Rules You Absolutely Must Not Break if you want to Survive the School Bus?
I couldn't see the dog, but he sounded like an arctic wolf that hadn't eaten all winter. The fence looked old and rotten.
What is 10 Rules You Absolutely Must Not Break if you want to Survive the School Bus?
If you make a bully mad, your life will be miserable.
Who wrote The One and Only Ivan?
Katherine Applegate
What is Coral Reefs?
Scientists believe that they are home to millions of species that haven't been discovered yet.
What is Wonder?
I eat like a tortoise eats, if you've ever seen a tortoise eating. Like some prehistoric swamp thing.
What is Whatever After: Fairest of All?
How rude. Grownups aren't supposed to be rude. My nana would never be rude.
What is Looking at Lincoln?
He lived in Springfield Illinois, and got a reputation as a smart and honest man.
Who wrote Coral Reefs?
Jason Chin
What is Tua and the Elephant?
The mud protects their skin from mosquito bites and sunburn.
What is The Humming Room?
I wonder how you got here. I don't think squirrels can swim, so you couldn't leave if you wanted to, could you?
What is Ghetto Cowboy?
I'm from Detroit. I ain't afraid of nobody. People 'fraid of me.
What is Jangles?
I cranked and cranked and finally felt the end of it getting closer to the surface. Then I heard a sound that made my whole body feel all prickly.
Who wrote Tua and the Elephant?
R.P. Harris
What is Ghetto Cowboy?
Suddenly, something big moves in the dark and I jump back. "That's Lightning"
What is Laugh with the Moon?
My arms tremble from the weight of one water bucket, even though the other girls each carry two.
What is Giants Beware?
Check the map. Is there a Forest of Ponies or Puppies? Let's go to the Forest of Puppies!

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