Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
What is $61.69
Chris and Jeff sold 15.5 pounds of trail mix. They sold the trail mix for $3.98 per pound. How much money did they collect?
What is 12.
What is the opposite of -12?
What is 8.9
Evaluate (4.5 + 7.6) - 8 / 2.5 ?
What is x = 7
Solve 8x = 56
What is yes.
A preschool has a student to teacher ratio of 5:2. Is 45 students to 18 teachers an equivalent ratio?
What is 1/16 square feet
What is the area of a rectangle with length 1/12 foot and width 3/4 foot?
What is -65.
A swimmer dives to 65 feet below the surface of the ocean. Write the integer that represents the depth of the dive.
What is 15.
Simplify (3,015 / x ) - 186 for x = 15
What is x = 3
Solve x + 5 3/4 = 8 3/4
What is 12:20
Jose is using 12 brown tiles and 8 white tiles to design a section of an outdoor patio. What is the ratio that compares the number of brown tiles to the total number of tiles?
What is 4 times more.
Russ has a car that averages 9.8 miles per gallon. Mike's car averages 39.2 miles per gallon. How many more miles per gallon does Mike's car average than Russ'?
What is the value of -18 - 19 ?
What is 3 x 3 x 11
What is the prime factorization of 99?
What is d < 16
Ed's birthday is less than 16 days away. Write the inequality to represent this situation. Use d for the number of days.
What is 3 hours.
In 1 hour, 32 cares pass through a particular intersection. At the same rate, how long would it take for 96 cars to pass through the intersection?
What is 6 cars.
A model train is 15 3/4 inches long. Each car in the train is 2 5/8 inches in length. How many cars are in the train?
Move to the right 1.5 times and then down 1.5 times.
How would you graph the coordinate (1.5 , -1.5) ?
What is 12n - 8
Simplify 11n + 4 + n - 12
What is 9.5y < = 300
Mr. Daniels is organizing a class trip on a budget of $900. The bus rental costs $600. Mr. Daniels will also buy tickets that cost $9.50 per student. Write an inequality to represent the number of students, y, that Mr. Daniels can bring on the trip.
What is 2,000 milliliters
How many milliliters of liquid are equivalent to 2 liters?
What is 3.
What is 3/4 divided by 1/4?
What is (-1 , 2.25)
What is the reflection of (1 , -2.25) over both axes?
What is 12n - 8
Simplify 4n + 2^2 - 12 + 8n
What is yes
Are the following equations balanced?
6+6 = 12 and 6 + 6 - n = 12 - n
What is 10 pounds for $14.90.
Jessica is buying severeal bunches of bananas to make desserts for a fundraiser. She can buy 10 pounds of bananas for $14.90 or 8 pounds for $12.08. Which is a better buy?

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