Paradigms, Principles, Personal and Relationship Bank Accounts Being Proactive and Begin with the End in Mind First Things First and Thinking Win Win Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
What is paradigm?
The way you see something, your point of view, frame of reference. Another word for perception. When this is skewed, you may make poor decisions
Who is me?
This person has control over your reactions to any event in your life?
What is planning your week? Don't forget to use a planner!
Putting your big rocks in first, then filling it with the smaller items needed to be done is the example Sean Covey gives for this activity.
What are negative listening styles?
These are examples of this category of listening styles: spacing out, pretend listening, selective listening, word listening and self centered listening.
What is a personal bank account?
Tapping into your talents, being honest, being kind to yourself, keeping promises to yourself are all deposits into this account
What is a personal mission statement?
A personal credo or motto that states what your life is about.
What is Time Quadrants?
This chart allows you to evaluate your tasks in life, asking if the task is urgent or im.portant. There are four categories: Urgent and Important (Procrastinator), Urgent and Not Important (Yes-Man), Not Urgent and Not Important (the slacker), Important and Not Urgent (the prioritizer).
What is being understood?
The deepest need of every human according to Steven Covey.
What is a relationship bank account?
Keeping promises to others, being loyal, doing small acts of kindness, listening, apologizing and setting clear expectations are all deposits into this account.
What is help you to decide the right thing to do.
Self-awareness, conscience, imagination and willpower are four tools in your toolbox to do this.
What are Comfort and Courage zones
These two zones symbolize everything we do. The first zone is represents things that feel familiar and you enjoy. The second zone is where uncertainty and adventure live.
What is genuine listening?
Listening with your heart, eyes and ears,mirroring, putting yourself in the other person's shoes are traits of what kind of listening?
What are habits?
Things that we do repeatedly. We are usually not aware of them. We are on autopilot.
What is being proactive?
Taking ownership of your life. Believing you are responsible for your actions and having a "can do" attitude. Understanding that no one can "make" you do anything. They just influence your behavior.
What is Win Lose?
An attitude in life that says the pie of success is limited and I need to make sure I get mine. It is competitive, full of pride and will do what it takes to win at all costs.
What is boldness?
Sean Covey says you need this characteristic to speak up.
What are principles?
A comprehensive and fundamental rule or law. Honesty, service, love, responsibility, hard work are all examples. Sean Covey recommends that you should live a live centered on them
What is "Begin with the End in Mind"
Creating a plan for your life of who you want to be, deciding your values and goals is the key component of this habit.
What is Win Win?
The belief that there is plenty of success to go around and we don't have to compete. You avoid competing and comparing and look for ways you both can be happy.
What is talk with them like you would a friend and truly listen to them?
Sean Covey recommends that you do this in order to communicate better with your parents.

7 Habits

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