Boots of Spanish Leather, by Bob Dylan The Sunflowers, by Mary Oliver Barbara Frietchie Introduction to Poetry, by Billy Collins Poetry Elements
- it tells a story and and has elements of a narrative (plot, characters, conflict, etc)
What characteristics of "Boots of Spanish Leather" let the reader know that it is a narrative poem?
The reader or the audience
Who is the speaker addressing in lines 18-19 when she says “Don’t be afraid/ to ask them questions!”?
Characters, story line, conflict, etc
The poem is a narrative poem because of elements such as____
An extended metaphor
The comparison of the poem to a person being tortured in lines 12-14 is an example of ____
Answers vary
What are three sound devices used in poems?
That the character left behind still cares deeply about the other
The repetition of the phrase “take heed” in lines 33-36 emphasizes________
Noise made by the ship masts
In lines 1-7, the speaker uses a simile to compare the sound of the sunflower stalks to the ____
Rhyme scheme
The words at the end of each stanza (corn/morn, down/town) are an example of which sound device?
Simile, color slide
In lines 1-3, the author uses a ______ to compare a poem to a __________
Answers vary
What are three types of figurative language used in poems?
There are two speakers, one who is leaving on a ship and one who is staying behind
From the first two stanzas, the reader can conclude what about the speaker(s)?
Express a connection between nature and humans
Why does the author use personification to give the sunflowers human qualities in the poem?
It is very large
What does the word horde (line 8) tell you about the size of the approaching Confederate Army?
Poems are sometimes difficult to understand just as a maze is difficult to get out of
The metaphor in lines 5-6 conveys that idea that___
Answers vary
What are three differences between narrative and lyrical poems?
The speaker does not want the gift, but only the sweet kiss of his/her beloved
What is the speaker’s attitude toward the offered gift in stanza 4?
Isolation, along with the word “lonely” in line 29
In lines 26-29, the phrase “a separate universe” emphasize the sunflower’s feelings of _____
c. Her deep patriotism for the Union and reverence for its flag
In lines 35-36, Barbara Frietchie’s appeal to the soldiers to shoot her instead of the flag convey____
a. Her desire to die for her country at war
b. Her plan to distract the Rebels while the Union advances
c. Her deep patriotism for the Union and reveren
Fun, joyous, enjoyable
What attitude is conveyed through lines 9-11?
Answers vary
Why do authors use similes and metaphors to compare things in poems?
The speaker who is leaving wants to send a gift because he/she might be gone for a long time. The other speaker does not want the gift, but would rather have his/her true love nearby.
What is the main conflict in the story?
It takes time for seeds to become sunflowers; growth must occur.
How could you paraphrase lines 29-32?
Despite the presence of Confederate troops, the Union flag waved throughout the day
What does the repetition in lines 43-46 emphasize about the events in Frederick?
b. Pick apart poems to understand their meaning without enjoying the poem itself
Based on lines 12-16, the author believes readers often do what with poems?

a. Disregard poems as foreign and hard to connect to personally
b. Pick apart poems to understand their meaning without enjoying the poem itself
c. Use them as a way of torturing
Answers vary
What is the purpose of using sound devices in poems?

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