Sexual Physical Child Abuse Mental Verbal Bonus
The forcing of unwanted sexual activity on one person by another
Define Sexual Abuse
Physical injury inflicted upon a child with cruel or malicious intent
Define Physical Child Abuse
A person exposing another to behavior that is psychologically harmful
Define Mental Abuse
Use of words to cause harm to the person that is being spoken to.
Define Verbal Abuse
Doesn't trust, fear of contact, lying, stealing, worthlessness, difficulty in school and concentration, psychosomatic illness
What is one effect of child abuse on younger kids?
criticizing, name calling, shouting, belittling, demeaning, controlling, withdraw, denying emotional needs, looks to create fear, smashing or damaging personal items
What are 3 examples of mental abuse?
Developmental lags, short attention span, rage, criminal behavior, suicide
What effect do older youths experience that most younger victims do not?
Victims are 5 times more likely to misuse what?
80% develop or fit the criteria for at least one psychological disorder.
What do most 21 year old former victims develop and what percentage of them develop this?
Don't trust their own judgment and feel more dependent on the abuser
What do victims no longer trust and who do they depend on?
Ben is more sensitive to teasing and he acts out in anger during a basketball game
Who is the main character and what characteristics of child abuse do they display in The Great Santini
Plebes use sinks as bathrooms to avoid the cadre (upperclassmen)
What are freshmen cadets called and what do they use sinks for in The Lords of Discipline?


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