Fluid Status Non Invasive Blood Pressure Pharmacology in Hemodynamics Intra-Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring Hemodynamics Potpourri
What are crystalloids, colloids, and blood products?
These three types of fluids may be used to resuscitate a patient that is intravascularly dry.
What are ventricles?
Systolic blood pressure is the peak pressure that occurs when the _________ contract.
What are Alpha Adrenergic Receptors?
Norepinephrine targets this receptor to cause vasoconstriction and increase blood pressure.
What is never?
Intra-arterial blood pressure alarms may _______ be turned off.
What is CVP/RAP?
This value measures right sided cardiac preload.
What is a percentage?
PPV is expressed as this value.
What is at the same level as the heart.
The limb that the BP is being measured will be most accurate when the patient is supine and the limb is __________________
What are Alpha and Beta adrenergic receptors?
Epinephrine targets these receptors to cause vasoconstriction, inotropic, and chronotropic effects.
What is fourth intercostal space, midaxillary line?
The phlebostatic axis is landmarked by this anatomical location?
What is PAOP/Wedge pressure?
This value measures left sided cardiac preload.
What is more fluid?
A positive passive leg raise means that the patient will likely benefit from this treatment.
What is high and low?
Too small of a cuff will produce falsely ____ BP results while too large of a cuff could lead to falsely ___ BP results.
What is Alpha?
Phenylephrine is preferred as a first line drug to treat sedative/analgesia induced hypotension due to its purely _____ adrenergic receptor activity.
What is the accuracy of the arterial monitoring system.
The Fast-Flush square waveform test is a quick way to test this.
What is Frank-Starling law?
The relationship between myocardial stretch and force of contraction is described by this law?
What is end expiration
CVP measurements always should be made at ________
What is MAP = (SBP + 2(DBP)) / 3
The formula to determine MAP is this:
What are Beta 1 and Beta 2 receptors.
Dobutamine is a positive inotropic agent that has little effect on heart rate. It targets these receptors.
A falsely low systolic blood pressure.
An overdamped waveform may produce this.
What are hypovolemic, cardiogenic, and distributive shock.
Shock states can be grouped into three main categories.
What are full support mode of ventilation, normal sinus rhythm, and have normal lung compliance.
Ideally, these conditions must be met in order for PPV to be diagnostically accurate.
What is 2/3rds of the cardiac cycle is spent in diastole.
Why is DBP multiplied by 2 in calculating MAP?
What is calcium.
Milrinone is a phosphodiasterase-3 inhibitor. This inihibits breakdown of cyclic AMP which allows increased intracellular ________ and therefore increases contractility.
What is six?
When taking a blood sample from the port CLOSEST to the patient, the minimum amount of blood to draw back into the VAMP syringe is this:
What is anaphylactic, neurogenic, or septic shock?
Distributive shock can be further classified into these three other types of shock states.

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