Flashback Friday Office Culture Ads & Sponsorships Hold the Phone Amex Lingo
What is 1850
American Express was founded in Buffalo, NY in this year
What is the Hudson River
Located at 200 Vesey, Amex Headquarters overlooks this body of water
What is the US Open
American Express is a proud sponsor of this major sporting event, recently won by Novak Djokovic
What is Mexico City
In 2 weeks, the CCPs at this site will celebrate Independence Day
What is CMS
This 3-letter acronym referring to the broader org under which Customer Growth sits is featured 12 times in the Acropedia without mention of this department
What is a Centurion
This position in the Roman army during Classical Antiquity has been featured in the Amex logo since 1858
What is Fortune
In 2020, American Express was ranked #9 on the Top Companies to Work for in 2020 by this magazine
What is the Statue of Liberty
A 1983 promotion advertised that for each purchase made with an American Express Card, American Express would contribute one penny to the renovation of this New York monument, which can be seen from our office
What are Academy, Servicing, and Champion
CCPs are separated into these 3 main tiers
What is a coffee chat
Get to know one of your colleagues by scheduling one of these
What is Costco
In 2016, American Express severed ties with this big box retailer
Who is Hugh Jackman
Sleepy at work? Wolf down a coffee at Laughing Man, the Brookfield Place coffee shop started by this Marvelous movie star
Who is Jerry Seinfeld
In 2004, American Express debuted promotional webisodes entitled "The Adventures of [this sitcom star and stand-up comedian] & Superman"
What is 2500
We currently have this many CCPs (round to the nearest 500)
What is the Colleague Experience Group
Human Resources was rebranded as CEG, which stands for this department name
Who is Ken Chenault
Prior to Steve Squeri, this person served as Chairman & CEO from 2001-2018
What is Thursday
Need a snack? Head to the airport store located in the headquarters lobby where sweets are 50% off on this day of the week
Who is Ellen DeGeneres
In 2007, American Express won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Commercial with a two-minute black-and-white ad, entitled "Animals" starring this daytime talk show host
What is LiveEngage
Chat CCPs engage with Card Members using this system
What is an Incident Management Record
Experiencing a tech issue? Try opening an IMR, which stands for this:
What are Traveler's Cheques
In 1891, American Express launched this product in denominations of $10, $20, $50, and $100
What is Give2Gether
This internal corporate social responsibility campaign invites employees to nominate their charities of choice, request company matching for donations, and volunteer together
Who is Charles F Frost (C.F. Frost)
Many American Express credit card ads feature a sample American Express Card with the name of this former advertising executive at Ogilvy & Mather
What is coding
Off the Phone time with CCPs can be hard to schedule, especially when this capacity-related term, often used in ERs, is happening.
What is ExPo
Pay Over Time (POT) is sometimes referred to as this 4-letter term

Amex Jeopardy

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