Neuroglia Neurons. Brainstem and Cerebellum Spinal Cord and Diencephalon. Cerebrum
What is an Oligodendrocyte.
This type of glia cell provides a myelin sheath around axons within the brain and spinal cord.
What are the nodes of Ranvier.
The narrow gaps between Schwann cells.
What is the pons.
This part of the Brainstem separates the midbrain and medulla oblongata.
What is the Diencephalon.
This part of the CNS is comprised of the thalamus and hypothalamus.
What are gyri.
These are elevated surface ridges on the cerebrum.
What is a microglial cell.
This type of glial cell aids in immune defense. It phagocytes bacterial cells and other debris.
What is a multipolar neuron.
This type of neuron has one axon with multiple dendrites.
What is the cerebellum.
A large mass of tissue located below the occipital lobes of the cerebrum and posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata.
What is the Spinal Cord.
This part of the CNS is a slender nerve column which passes downward from the brain into the vertebral canal.
What is the occipital lobe.
This lobe of the brain is located in the very back (posterior region). The visual association area / primary visual cortex is located here.
What is an ependymal cell.
These glial cells form a membrane around specialized brain parts.
What is an interneuron.
This type of neuron lies completely within the brain and spinal cord. It conducts impulses to other neurons within the brain and spinal cord.
What is the midbrain.
This short section of the Brainstem is located between the diencephalon and the pons.
What is the number 31.
The spinal cord consists of this number of segments.
What is the central sulcus.
This structure divides the parietal lobe from the frontal lobe.
What is an astrocyte.
This type of glial cell is commonly found between neurons and blood vessels.
What is a motor neuron.
This type of neuron conducts impulses out of the brain or spinal cord.
What is the reticular formation.
Scattered throughout the medusa oblongata, pons, and midbrain, this formation is a complex network of nerve fibers associated with tiny islands of gray matter.
What is the thalamus.
This part of the diencephalon acts as a central rely station for sensory impulses ascending from other parts of the nervous system to the cerebral cortex.
What are sulci.
These are shallow gloves on the cerebrum.
What is a Schwann cell.
These neuroglia are located in the peripheral nervous system and produce a myelin sheath around axons of myelinated neurons.
What is an axon.
This part of the neuron conducts impulses away from the neuron cell body.
What is the cerebellum.
This portion of the CNS functions to coordinate complex skeletal muscle movements and helps maintain posture.
What is the hypothalamus.
This region of the diencephalon maintains homeostasis.
What is the cerebrum.
This region of the brain controls higher brain functions including sensory perception and storing memories.

Anatomy Test - Nervous System - Miss. Ferguson

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