Africa Tundra Trek Australasia Canadian Domain Eurasia
What is a lion?
In this big cat species, the males are known to have big, thick manes.
What is a polar bear?
These big bears inhabit the Arctic seas and coastlines, using ice to hunt and protect themselves.
What is a (western grey) kangaroo?
As a marsupial, these animals with strong hind legs carry their young in a pouch.
What is a moose?
The largest member of the deer family, these antlered animals can stand up to 7.7 feet tall.
What is a Siberian/Amur tiger?
This endangered cat lives in east Russia and in zoos across the world. At the Toronto Zoo, Mazy just had three cubs!
What is a cheetah?
Found in many parts of Africa, this is the world's fastest land animal.
What is an/the arctic wolf?
As very social animals, they live in packs and howl to communicate with each other.
What is a wombat?
This burrowing marsupials' pouch is backwards to allow them to dig while protecting their young.
What is a bald eagle?
These large birds have characteristic yellow eyes and feet, and their wingspan can be as big as 2.4 metres.
What is a snow leopard?
This type of leopard is a solitary animal, living in cold mountain areas. They can even jump up to 15 metres across.


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