Animals/Insects Titles/Word Meanings Mind/heart/people of the Bible God/Women and men of the Bible Dates/C.E. and B.C.E.
What is a barnacle?
The glue of this marine creature is said to be far superior to synthetic products.
What is Father?
Jesus prohibits the use of this term as a formalistic or religious title of honor applied to men. Matthew 23:9
What are Sarai, Princess, and Contentious?
This faithful woman, Sarah was also know by these 3 titles
Who is Jehovah? Psalm 83:18
He is the most high over all the earth.
What is 33 C.E.
Jesus death and ascension to heaven.
What are cats?
Its whiskers apparently help them to identify objects and catch prey, particularly after dark.
What is Rabbi?
The title was used in a de facto sense as “teacher.” (Joh 1:38) But among the Jews, shortly before the birth of Jesus, it came to be used also as a title of respect and honor meaning “my great one; my excellent one.”
What are Peter, Simon Peter, Cephas, Symeon, and Simon?
An apostle of Jesus was known by these five names
Who is Mary, the mother of Jesus?
She was addressed by the angel Gabriel as "you highly favored one." Luke 1:28
What is 1931 C.E., Columbus, Ohio.
Year and place we were first called JW.
What is a dog?
It can have 50 times as many scent receptor cells as we do. For example, we can smell soup, but according to some experts, it can detect every ingredient in the soup.
What is inculcate?
Repeat. Impress upon. Deuteronomy 6:7
What is 700?
In fact, the divine name appears some ___ times in the book of Psalms alone—a book of poetic writings that were to be sung and recited by God’s people.
Who is Moses?
His mother's name is Jochebed.
What 1935 C.E., Washington, D.C.
Year and place the great crowd was first identified.
What is a bat?
Although they can see, in order to sense their surroundings in the darkness of night, most species use echolocation-determining the distance of an object by means of sound.
What is the conclusion of the system of things?
The period of rime leading up to the end or state of affairs, dominated by Satan. It runs concurrently with Christ's presence.
What is 1530?
The first rendering of God’s personal name in an English Bible appeared in the year of, in William Tyndale’s translation of the Pentateuch.
Who is Daniel?
He served Jehovah decades and was called, "a desirable man."
What is 1943 C.E. and Theocratic Ministry School.
The year this school started wasn't just to train students to give talks but it's main purpose was to train God's people to use their gift of speech to praise Jehovah in the ministry.
What are dolphins?
These sea animals produce a variety of clicks and whistles and then listen for echoes in order to navigate and explore their environment.
What is the system of things?
When in the plural, this phrase refers to the prevailing state of affairs, that have existed or will exist. Mark 4:19; 1 Corinthians 10:11
What is 237?
The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures does not follow this common practice it uses the name Jehovah a total of ___ times in the Christian Greek Scriptures.
What are love, justice, wisdom and power?
Jehovah has many qualities but he has four cardinal attributes.
What are 1943 B.C.E. and Euphrates River?
The year that Abraham crossed this body of water the Abrahamic Covenant went into effect.

Animals/Titles/Word Meanings

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