Biological/Physical Anthropology Archaeology Cultural Anthropology Random Anthropology SBU Anthropology Fun Facts
I live on Islands and I am critically endangered. I can live as long as 12 years and will have 1 infant per year. I am 4 oz, and only eat live animal prey. What am I?
What is a Tarsier (Tarsiidae)
40% of my skeleton was found in pieces, I was declared an Australopithecus afarensis. From the looks of my skeleton, I died a full grown adult around 3-4 ft tall, I swing from trees and walked on two feet. What is my name?
Who is Lucy
Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.
What is Ethnocentrism
This Epoch within the Cenozoic Era ranged from around 56 million years to 34 million years ago.
What is the Eocene Epoch.
This professor received their BA from Boston and PhD from Harvard. Focuses on human origin archaeology, lithic (stone tool) technology, and reconstructing human behavior.
Dr. John Shea
Wild animals are hunted by local people, frequently illegally, for food or to supply restaurants.
What is Bushmeat
Discovered in 1911, seven thousand feet above sea level in Peru, this ancient civilization was made up of more than 150 buildings.
What is Machu Picchu
The theory argues that material conditions, including technology, determine patterns of social organization, including religious principles
What is Cultural-Materialism
This Stone age rock shelter in spain is decorated with panels of abstract signs, and hand stensils, including the famous "Gallery of the Hands".
What is El Castillo Cave
This professor received their PhD from Stony Brook University. Interests focus on behavioral endocrinology and mating preferences. Observes geladas and Phayre leaf monkeys in their natural habitats.
Dr. Amy Lu
I like to live alone in tropical rainforests, I can live to be 40 years old in the wild, I have a gestation period of 8 years, and I share 97% of your DNA. What am I?
What is an Orangutan
This paleo-anthropologist had discovered the first fossilized Proconsul skull. They also discovered a Robust zinjanthropus skull at Olduvai Gorge. As well as the Laetoli footprints which were more than 3.75 million years old. Who am I?
Who is Mary Leaky
The condition of disorientation affecting someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes
What is Culture Shock
This invention, created in Mesopotamia to assist with pottery development around 3500 BC, was given an alternative use 300 years later.
What is the Wheel
This professor received their Phd from Berkeley. They are a Zooarchaeologist whos research focuses on social and economic practices in early agricultural societies.
Dr. Katheryn Twiss
Period in which humans had domesticated plants and animals,
What is the Neolithic!
Two german tourists once discovered a perfectly preserved corpse of this murder victim in September of 1991.
Who is Otzi the Iceman
Shared ideas about how people should act - rules for acceptable behavior.
WHat are Cultural Norms
This omnivorous, peaceful, southern Conco River inhabitants are on the IUCN Red List, threatened by habitat destruction and hunting.
What is the Bonobo
This professor received their PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. Research focuses on functional morphology and evolution of the primate locomotor skeleton.
Dr. Gabrielle Russo
I have a flared zygomatic arch, pronounced saggital crest, and very thick bone density. Inhabited South Africa from the Early and Middle Pleistocene.
What is Paranthropus/Australopithecus robustus!
An example of Sumerian architecture at its finest, this structure was the administrative center of this ancient city, in ancient Mesopotamia. A shrine of the moon god Nanna.
What is the Ziggurat of Ur
Looking at the whole picture - factoring in genetics, biological evolution, prehistoric development of culture, language technology, and the diversity of modern cultures.
What is Holistic Approach
These Mousterian tool users, inhabited Eurasia up until about 40,000 years ago.
What is Neanderthalensis
This professor received their PhD from the University of Oxford. Research focuses on oral literature, kinship, belief, and ritual, fieldwork is done in Southeast Asia.
Dr. David Hicks

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