Exanthems Rhinitis Medications OCPs Pandemics Dizziness
What is erythema toxicum neonatorum?
A pustule disorder that occurs in the first 72 hours of life
What is 2 weeks?
The length of time for a peak response to occur for intranasal corticosteroids in most patients
What is feeds back to the pituitary to help inhibit ovulation, causes endometrial atrophy, or thickens cervical mucus?
One of the 3 mechanism of actions for Progestin
What is H1N1 or Swine flu? (or H1N1pdm09)
The novel influenza virus that originated in the US in 2009
What is Meniere’s disease?
The condition that causes the classic triad of vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus
What is chicken pox?
The period of infectivity for this illness is 48 hours prior to the onset of the rash and until lesions have fully crusted over
What is Sudafed?
A product that helps with nasal congestion, but has monthly purchase quantity restrictions
What is Yasmin/Ocella, Yaz, Safyral, or Beyaz?
Name one OCP that contains drosperinone
What is the Spanish Flu?
Another name for the H1N1 virus that was originally identified in military personnel and later infected 1/3 of the world’s population
What is vertigo?
The type of dizziness that causes a false sense of motion
What is summer and fall?
The time of year that Hand-Foot and Mouth Disease is most commonly diagnosed
What is Benadryl?
A common antihistamine that causes sedation and anticholinergic side effects?
What is a contraindication?
Examples of this includes less than 21 days post-partum, current breast cancer, hx of solid organ transplant, HTN with vascular disease and severe cirrhosis
What is the plague or Black Death?
The pandemic caused by a bacteria that originated in Asia and traveled to Europe causing the most fatal pandemic in human history
What is central and peripheral
The 2 different origin types of both the “serious” and “benign” types of dizziness
What is Kawasaki Disease or Scarlet Fever?
Name one illnesses that may have a strawberry tongue as a clinical finding
What is Singular or Montelukast?
A common allergy medication from the selective leukotriene receptor antagonist class
What is triphasic?
The type of OCP where the hormone amount changes every week
What is 1918?
The year of the deadliest pandemic of the 20th century that was known for a high mortality rate in healthy individuals
What is vertigo and nystagmus?
Two findings that make the Dix-Hallpike test positive
What is Rubella?
This virus was eliminated from the US in 2004 according to the CDC
What is 2 years?
The youngest age for which intranasal corticosteroids are indicated
What are bleeding irregularities?
The top reason, or side effect, for discontinuing oral contraception
What is H2N2 or the Asian flu?
The name of the virus that caused a pandemic from 1957-1958
What is physical therapy?
The main treatment for vestibular neuritis

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