Assessments Assessments Assessments Assessments
What is HELP
Non-standardized developmental assessment, used for 0-3, screening tool in natural environment to determine motor, social-emotional, cognitive, and self-help skills
What is the Miller Assessment for Preschoolers
Comprehensive screening tool designed to assess the sensory, motor, and cognitive skills that inhibit school performance in ages 2.9-5.8 year olds
What is the TIME
looks at the quality of movement in infants and toddlers ages birth- 3.6 years old
What is the Preschool visual motor integration assessment
Specifically designed for preschoolers to assess visual motor skills, specifically assess color and shape discrimination
What is sensory profile for infants
caregiver fills out for infant, used to see how sensory environment affects their daily life. birth to 3. Adolescent/adult is from 11-65 and filled to by them
What is the Baylee
standardized, comprehensive developmental assessment to help with a baseline for treatment intervention. Ages: 1 month-3/5 years old
What is the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
Checklist that examines the person's disability and their functional deficit's due to the disability. Also looks at their capabilities. For individuals ages 6 months-7.5 years old
What is the Erhardt Developmental Prehension Assessment
Motor assessment that looks at prewriting skills and can be used for all children with neurological impairments
What is the motor-free visual perceptual test
looks at visual perceptual skills without a motor component. Ages 4-95
What is CARS
assessment to determine the severity of ASD and can be used for children over 2
What is Newborn assessment of pre and full term infant (NAPFTI)
Routine neurological assessment for pre-term and full term infants
What is the First STEP
Screening tool for preschoolers at risk of communication, physical, social, emotional or adaptive behaviors
What is Beery-VMI
Quick assessment looking at visual motor integration, ages 2-100
What is MVPT-Vertical
no motor component, but assesses visual perceptual skills for those with visual acuity issues
What is Test of Playfulness
Assesses child's level of playfulness, 15. months to 18 years old
What is the Denver Screening tool
Screening tool for social-personal, FM, GM and language for 1 month-6 years old who are at risk of developmental delays
What is the BOT
Motor assessment for children 4-21, looks at accuracy and coordination as well as hand/foot dominance
What is Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP) For pends and adults ages 4-10 and 11-74
For peds and adults ages 4-10 and 11-74. Assesses the visual perceptual skills (closure, figure ground, discrimination, form constancy) and visual motor integration
What is the test of visual motor skills
ages 2-13 and 12-40, can be used with various populations (TBI's, apraxia) looks at visual motor integration
What is Participation scale
used for children 15 and older to examine how their impairment may limit integration within the community
What is the assessment of preterm infant behavior (APIB)
assessing the patterns of behavior in response to sensory stimuli in the environment for pre and full term infants
What is the Peabody
Motor assessment birth to 6 years old
What is Erhardt Developmental vision assessment
Assesses birth-6 months on visuomotor development
What is the test of visual perceptual skills
ages 4-19, no motor component, visual perceptual skills only
What is Knox Preschool Play Scale
used for birth-6 years old to differentiate play abilities, strengths, weaknesses and developmental areas


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