Travel Trivia Iconic Baudler Moments Averi Trivia Christmas Memories Bear Trivia
What is the trip to visit Gma Pat
This annual trip took place for multiple weeks each summer and consisted of swimming, laughing and (at one point) Disney
What is Zach crashing his car into a curb and messing it up
This iconic moment occurred on Zach's 16th birthday, hours after he got his full license
What is "just kidding!!"
This is the "mean" phrase Averi ALLEGEDLY said a lot when she was younger
What is "balling"
This is what lawson used to call his favorite activity for 25 days of Christmas
What is a chair from the kitchen table
When Bear gets on this item, he is often afraid to jump off
What is the trip to Seattle
It was on this trip that Averi started silently crying on the plane bc she thought it was getting hijacked for some strange reason
What is a gun
This item was famously pulled out by dad at a stoplight altercation
What is the Waukee Ice Cream Shop
This is the location of Averi's first "real job" that lasted only 4 months
What is a Wii
This was the "must-have" gift of the season that Zach stumbled upon in the long storage and continually checked up on to make sure it was still there
What is Bearington
This is the name Averi and mom tried to make happen, but dad shut it down
What is Averi's spring break trip to Cabo
It was on this trip that the fire place was notably turned off each night at 11pm
What are chickens
This animal was foolishly purchased by Claire on the day of her graduation party resulting in complete pandemonium
What is Hamilton
Averi used to be obsessed with this musical and famously cried 4 times when she saw it in person
What is Bang Bang
This restaurant used to be Averi's go-to 25 days of Christmas pick, but was eventually shut down (likely due to their questionable sanitation methods)
What is a dirty sock
This is Bear's favorite thing to grab when he wants attention (hint: from laundry room)
What is a water gun
This item was broken by the kids in Mexico back in the day and almost ruined the entire trip
What is "uh, chips??"
This famous phrase occurred between mom and dad when dad failed to meet mom's standard on that fateful Mother's Day celebration
Who is QUEEN Ariana Grande
This artist is Averi's current favorite, and is known for her public relationships/breakups, godly whistle tones and churning out bop after undeniable bop
What is a life-size cardboard cut out of Niall Horan
This Christmas gift of Averi's was eventually ripped to shreds by Lawson and friends
What is the printer
This gadget scared Bear one night when it suddenly turned on
What is his cell phone
This item of dad's was "stolen" by Lawson at a German train station and made him say "that's f*cking scary, especially in a foreign country."
What is Gunner shooting liquid poop onto the dining room walls
This horrific moment caused dad to chuck stones at Gunner in the backyard bc he was so angry
What is Bohemian Rhapsody
This song/movie famously made Averi burst into tears during quarantine (mostly bc she had just drank an entire bottle of wine)
What is a hand-drawn barn picture
This iconic Christmas gift that currently resides in Adel was revealed in the form of this item
What is his little red sweater

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