Bayley Movies Dramatic Bayley Moments Rad Trad Green Smoothie Ingredients Cringy 21st Century Fads
Who are Scott and George
An intense film involving a murder, turbulent plane rides, Irish dancing, and choking on cold pancakes, THESE two business executives become unlikely friends.
What is coloring on the roof of the car with crayons
During the long and tedious 15 hour car ride from Auburn Alabama to Connecticut to visit the grandparents, Anna and Thomas pulled THIS mischievous stunt and were punished by not getting Cracker Jack.
What is the Biretta
When Father enters the Sanctuary at the beginning of Mass, he is wearing this on his head.
What is spinach
This small round leafy green originated in ancient Persia and there was a 33% boost in it's production during the Great Depression because of Popeye the Sailor Man.
What is a fidget spinner
With 19 million of them being sold in the first six months of 2017, this random and simple toy was meant to help people relieve nervous energy.
What is Revenge of the Chipmunks
In this strange and slightly disturbing film, taking place in the Herndon, VA house, a poor creature with a warped voice is bullied and called "a weiner" before the bully is punched and the victim starts trying to take over the world.
What is throwing up hot wings
Selling a house is pretty difficult, but it became even harder for the Bayley's when Mary did THIS on the stairs in the Colorado house when the realtor was there.
What is "to us sinners"
Following the Consecration and towards the end of the Canon, Father raises his voice to say "Nobis quoque peccatoribus" which means this in English.
What are flaxseeds
With the scientific name Linum usitatissimum, meaning "very useful" this tiny brown ingredient comes from a blue flowering plant and is a great source of omega-3s!
What is Pokemon Go
Created in 2016, this phone app game exploded with popularity causing people to get outside more than usual in order to "catch them all" but also caused problems with people playing it while driving.
Who is Dr. Douglas Bayley
After his incredible performance as the primary villian in Jungle Boy - The Mad Scientist, this actor has since appeared in several other roles in other Black Cat Productions.
What are flash percussion grenades
In the wee hours of the morning sometime in the year 2014, the Bayley's were woken by the loud sound of THIS being thrown into the neighbor's house down the street by the police.
Who is Saint Thomas Aquinas
Patron saint of Catholic schools and students, author of the Eucharistic hymn Adoro Te, and Doctor of the Church, this awesome saint was also an expert in metaphysics, theology, and philosophy.
What are bananas
This tropical fruit is botanically a berry and, when ripe, glows blue under black light.
What is the Mannequin Challenge
This incredibly cringy challenge that became popular in 2016 involved a group of people remaining frozen in a position while someone filmed them with the song "Black Beatles" by Rae Sremmurd playing.
What is Green Cheeseburger
Since being introduced to movie-making by the Muncy family many years ago, the Bayley kids have been filiming, editing and producing masterpieces such as Chill Pill, Outlawed, and Assassin's Target. Going back to the start of it all, this was their first major film.
What is Dead Man
Mother's Day 2013.
A loud crash is heard coming from the basement and mom and dad go downstairs to see that Thomas has slammed into the corner of the wall. There is plaster covering the floor and the metal underneath the plaster has been dented. The Bayley kids were playing THIS game.
What is fire
On Holy Saturday and right before the Solemn Easter Vigil Mass is the blessing of this, which is a symbol of Christ "Whose teaching enlightens the minds of the faithful and Whose grace enkindles their hearts."
What are strawberries
The only fruit to wear its seeds on the outside, & even though it is in it's name, this ingredient is not technically a berry!
What is slime-making
Kids love this trend that involves combining the ingredients shaving cream, glue, laundry detergent, borax, water, and food coloring. Some people even have whole social media and youtube accounts dedicated to making this satisfying craft.
What is a bullet proof vest
In the original clip, The Force Fight, a jedi and a sith, both without their lightsabers face each other in a terrible and hilarious duel using the force. The jedi is shot with a bullet but survives because of THIS.
What is the Grand Hyatt
On their trip home from Connecticut, after missing their flight in Dallas, the Bayleys were forced to stay in either a sketchy fleabag hotel or THIS 4 star hotel, which they chose.
What is Summorum Pontificum
In July 2007, Pope Benedict XVI issued this Apostolic Letter, which allowed the Traditional Latin Mass to begin being celebrated again.
What is kale
This leafy green is also known as Peasants Cabbage and contains 133% of a person's daily vitamin A plus there are over 50 varieties of it.
What is dabbing
Perhaps the cringiest of them all, this dance move became popular when Cam Newton did it to celebrate touchdowns. Since then, many people have performed it in moments of triumph or after an extreme roast. Another interesting fact: It became illegal in Saudi Arabia.

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