Intake Fill In the Black Miscellaneous Financial Responsibility Casework Contacts and Communication
What is 72 hours
An initial medical screen is to be conducted for youth within these many hours?
What is psychiatric
The foster parent is responsible for transportation to medical, dental, counseling, _________ and related appointments
What is a medication lock box
Used to secure all prescription and non-prescription medications
What is ten
The number of business days the agency has to make a pass thru payment
What is one
The minimum number of un-announced foster home visits quarterly
What is 30 days
Medical and dental appointments are to be made for youth within these many days of placement?
What are extracurricular activities
The foster parent is responsible for transportation to school, school programs and __________, even when there are delay or disruptions in busing
What is foster care respite
The temporary or short-term home care of a child who is currently placed in foster care
What are original receipts
These are required and should be itemized for each foster care youth
What is 24 hour supervision
Knowing where the youth is at all times and assuring that they are in the presence of a responsible adult
What are clean and consistent rules and expectation
During Intake, no surprises refers to what?
What is the Youth Advocacy Center
The foster parent must assure that any youth placed in their home is taken to the ___________, within 48 hours
What is normative experiences
Going to a friend's house, having a playdate, taking a school trip, attending the prom are examples of
What is a weekly allowance
Giving the youth this, is not contingent upon behavior or chores
What is 4 times
The number of times therapeutic youth are met with in a month
What are comfort foods and activities
These tools are helpful in supporting youth transitioning to your home
What is Driver's license
The foster parent must notify the agency of any incident relating to your ___________
What is a safety plan
Created in collaboration with foster parents this is designed to minimize the likelihood that a particular incident will re-occur
What is an independent living stipend
Foster parents are to help with budgeting and documenting monthly allotments for youth receiving this
What are compliance issues
Notifying the agency when someone turns 18, moves in or out of a house, has a relapse of drugs or alcohol or there is a marriage, divorce, or birth are examples of
Who is the Family Specialist
Providing pertinent information and completion of the intake process is the responsibility of?
What is annually
Foster parents are to schedule medical appointments within 30 days with physicals updated ____________
What is Sanctuary
The philosophy designed to create a trauma informed environment where healing from trauma can take place
Who are foster parents
Helping youth with savings and acquiring items necessary for successful transition out of care is the responsibility of
What is the Berkshire on call system 1-844-281-9588
What is the Berkshire on call system - 1-844-281-9588

BFC Policies & Procedures 2016

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