Incentives Ranking Promotions Audit
What is DirecTV NOW Incentive?
You get $20 on your commission for each one you sell in February.
What are Gross Adds?
The highest weighted metric on the Whiteboard at 25%.
What are 3 months?
Prepay for this many months with DirecTV NOW and you get a free Apple TV.
What is an Opus Mobile Tablet?
This must always be within arms reach or secured in the inventory room.
What are the Premium Video/Broadband Incentives?
You earn $25 for each sold above your January performance with this metric.
What is Premium Video?
This contributes to 20% of your overall ranking.
What is the iPhone X?
This device was recently added to our BOGO promotion.
What is all inventory?
These items must be tendered onto an account, when applicable, at the original point of sale.
What are 30 days?
You have this many days to receive credit for Digital Experience Sales (Opps, Acc., and Protection) if you access the account as verified.
What is 200%?
This is the highest percentage you can rank on Whiteboard.
What is the Samsung Tab E?
This device is only $.99 when added to a business account with a two year agreement.
What is the safe?
Unless in active use, this must remain closed at all times.
What are the Premium Video/Broadband Incentives?
Yow earn $150 for being over 125% of goal, and $200 for being 200%, given you beat your last month's sales.
What is WTR?
In this metric, the maximum attainment is 131.6%.
What is a Voice GA on Next?
Businesses can earn a $150 credit for the addition of each of these.
What are Serialized, Non-serialized, and SIM Counts?
Physical Counts for the audit are conducted around these three components.

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