Acronyms Terms Accomplishments
What is the Violence Against Women Act?
This acronym VAWA, states "gave protection to a group of people who were suffering from abuse."
What is the Dayton Accords?
This was an agreement with the Presidents of Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia.
Who is Bill Clinton?
This person got nominated in the democratic party in 1992 with his running mate Al Gore. He went on to beat the president before him President George H. W. Bush with electoral votes 370 to 168.
What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?
This acronym FMLA, states "entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons."
What is the Internet?
In Bill Clintons second term, the rise of this electrical system became known.
Who is, U.S. attorney general, Secretary of State, and second female judge on the Supreme Court?
These Females of Power, Janet Reno, Madeleine Albright and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were put into office by Bill Clinton
What is the North American Free Trade Agreement?
This acronym NAFTA, states "opened up trade with Canada and Mexico getting rid of all trade boundaries."
What is the Brady Bill?
This Bill required a waiting process and background check before buying a handgun.
What is being Impeached?
Bill Clinton is the second president to get this enacted on him
What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?
This acronym NATO states "is a military alliance of European and North American democracies."
What is the William J. Clinton Foundation?
This Foundation was formed to combat poverty, disease and other global issues.
Who is the Third Youngest President?
Clinton was inaugurated in January 1993 at age 46, making him this up to that time.

Bill Clinton

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