Raptor Pack More Kenyon College The Bob's Job Kitties Hamilton Wallace
What is the peregrine falcon?
Capable of diving at more than 200mph, this bird of prey is the fastest member of the animal kingdom
Who is Graham Gund?
This American architect has the most buildings on campus named after him
What is a kebab?
Noun: cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer
What is marmalade?
The coloring of orange cats is known as red by breeders. Other names include yellow, ginger, and this citrusy preserve
What is Braveheart
This 1995 movie tells the story of William Wallace leading the Scots in the First War of Scottish Independence against King Edward I of England.
What are feathers?
The presence of quill knobs on the bones of a velociraptor found in Mongolia confirm that they were covered in this anatomical feature
What is Religious Studies?
Noted Kenyon alum novelist John Green double majored in English and this subject
What is broccoli rabe?
Noun: a plant grown for its pungent edible leafy shoots. Also known as rapini
What are tigers?
Domestic housecats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with this wild species
What is Wallace and Gromit?
A British stop motion claymation series that tells the story of a good-natured, eccentric inventor, along with his companion, a silent anthropomorphic dog
What is Blue?
The name of Chris Pratt's main velociraptor friend in Jurassic World
What is a Nuge?
This unit of measure is based off the height of Kenyon's first female president
Who is Shelob?
Noun: a fictional demon in the form of a giant spider from J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"
What is a queen?
A male cat is called a tom or tomcat. An unspayed female is called this
Who is Jonathan Groff?
This actor originated the role of King George in Hamilton on Broadway
What is Toronto?
The Raptors are a National Basketball Association team based in this Canadian city
What is Economics?
While English continues to be Kenyon's most popular major, this discipline is a close second. And I thought it was just for fulfilling QR requirements.
What is hobnob?
Verb: mix socially, especially with those of higher social status
What is roaring?
Big cats can let you know when they're pissed, but not when they're happy. Lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars are all incapable of purring because purring and this type of vocalizing are mutually exclusive.
Who is David Foster Wallace?
This author's final novel The Pale King was published posthumously in 2011
What is Deinonychus?
This larger cousin of the Velociraptor is what the raptors featured in the Jurassic Park franchise were primarily based on
What is the PEEPS?
This student organization was just suspended from campus for 3 years for violating campus drug policy. Not surprising given that the group's purpose is to violate campus drug policy.
What is a squab?
Noun: a young domestic pigeon
What is Meredith Grey, Olivia Benson, and Benjamin Button?
Taylor Swift loves cats so much that she became one. These are the names of her three furbabies.
Who is Scott Hamilton?
This retired American figure skater won four consecutive World Championships and a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics.

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