Historical Timeline

These Days in History

Say My Name Save the Date Location, Location Second Time Around Quotable Quotes
Who is Michael Moore
Director of the documentary
What is September 11, 2001
The attack on the World Trade Center
What is Litteton, Colorado
Columbine High School
What is retail clerk at K-Mart
Ammunition dropped on the ground.
Michael Moore in a barber shop.
Who is Chris Rock
"You don't need no gun control. You know what we need? We need some bullet control"
Who is Charlton Heston
President of the National Rifle Association
What is April 20, 1999
Columbine School Massacre
What is Oscoda, Michigan
This town became "famous for raising psychos," according to one of its residents, after the Oklahoma City Bombing
What is after the shooting at Buell Elementary
NRA rally.
After the event at Columbine.
Who is Charlton Heston
"I have only five words for you: From my cold dead hands."
Who is Matt Stone
Co-creator of TV series South Park
What is January 1, 2000
What is Flint, Michigan
Buell Elementary School
What is the K-Mart press release
Michael Moore on camera with a local news team.
After the shooting at Buell Elementary school.
Who is John Nichols
"Well, there's wackos out there."
Who is Marilyn Manson
Goth musician reportedly inspired the violence of Columbine
What is April 19, 1995
Oklahoma City Bombing
What is Troy, Michigan
The headquarter for K-Mart is located
What is Charlton Heston at his estate.
Turned and walked away after Moore asked him a question.
Police officer at the "near drowning" incident.
Who is George W. Bush
"Today the Justice Department did issue a 'Blanket Alert'. It was in recognition of a general threat that we received."
Who is Dick Clark
Brought rock and roll to American televisions
What is 2002
The year Bowling for Columbine is released
What is Virgin, Utah
This town passed a law that required all residents to own guns
Montage of his childhood, with his toy gun.
Michael Moore holding a gun.
At the bank.
Who is Marilyn Manson
"When I was a kid growing up, music was the escape. That's the only thing that had no judgments."
What is World Trade Center Bombing, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine School Massacre, and 9/11
Order these events in chronological order, from earliest to latest: 9/11, Oklahoma City Bombing, World Trade Center Bombing, Columbine School Massacre

Bowling for Columbine

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